Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Kennedy-killer and whore bpete didn't cite anybody who claimed that that other shirt was the one Oswald wore to work. And I knew he wouldn't. There is no such person. That was all him. 

Seriously, it just occurred to him that that could be Oswald's shirt, or at least it could be so claimed. And he was going to claim it. Why the hell not? 

But, it is amazing that he would have the audacity to make such a claim. This is where his childishness comes in; he can't restrain himself from saying and doing stupid things. 

I've got bpete placing Oswald up on the 6th floor locking and loading and then proceeding to kill Tippit. That I beat out of him- despite his pleadings, "show me where I said this, show me where I said that." I showed him, alright. 

MacRae likes to straddle the fence. Like other Ops, he doesn't like to be too openly LN. That's because he knows that we are fighting over CTs. He doesn't want to alienate these people. A lot of Ops are that way. To this day, Robin Unger can tell you every detail of the JFK assassination except for who killed Kennedy. 

To me, the most compelling evidence about Oswald's shirt is that of Marrion Baker. After all, he was the first person to lay eyes on Oswald after the assassination- just 70 seconds after. And nobody but nobody thinks that Oswald altered his clothing during those 70 seconds. 

And what did Marrion Baker say? He described Oswald's clothing as a light brown jacket over a white shirt. Like this maybe?

 Look at the color of the shirt where it is not shaded. It look light brown, doesn't it? Look at the shirt underneath. It looks white, doesn't it? And we know that Oswald's shirt had the lay of a jacket.

Light brown jacket over a white shirt. That is what Marrion Baker saw, and that's because it is what Oswald was wearing. 

Take some shirts out of your closet and see how many of them fold over into a long lapel like that. None of mine do. None of mine ever have.

This is extremely compelling. And it makes all the stuff that MacRae cited just noise. 

I know there are reports of Oswald having claimed to change his shirt. If they're true, it means he lied about it. But, the reason I cited that piece from The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald is that it's a quote from a different interview. It was the second interview on the day of the 22nd.

If you look at the Fritz notes, Page 1, which includes Out with Bill Shelley in front, it's dated 11/22 going from 3:15 to 4:15.

The second page of the Fritz notes are dated for the 23rd but without giving a time.

The third page of the Fritz notes are dated for the morning of the 23rd. So, did that come before the 2nd page? It's possible they got out of order. 

The fourth page of the Fritz notes are not dated at all, and the fifth and final page is dated for 11/23 at 6:35 PM. 

So, what it seems to me is that Fritz left out the second interview on the 22nd. And that's when Oswald said this:

So, this constitutes another time in which Oswald designated a change of trousers only and not his shirt. And that makes it highly significant to me. 

So you see, MacRae, all that work you did assembling all those testimonies was for naught- although I realize that you Ops get help with that kind of tedium. Remember, I've been through this before, like with that other Op "Hank Sienzant" the great Vice President of Customer Relations for a software company that specializes in supporting video game retailers but where the boss doesn't mind that Hank does JFK blogging all day long.  I know it's a high priority throughout corporate America. When I exposed Sienzant in his fraud, he sheepishly denied ever saying it- even though it was on his Education Forum profile. And since then, he has kept a rather low profile. You don't see much of him any more. But then again, maybe he just changed his name- again. Before Hank Sienzant, he went by Joe Zircon. These fucking Ops and their aliases. 

But the truth is that it doesn't matter what anybody said- not even what Oswald said. And that's because we can see Oswald and his shirt, his arrest shirt, in the doorway, and it can't not be him. Some things trump other things, and this trumps everything. It trumps everybody's lip-flapping. If MacRae were a more mature person, he would know that. But he is not a mature person; he is a child. 

  When you examine the likeness in clothing here, it is startling. And one thing is for sure: if that's not Oswald on the right, it means that Billy Lovelady just happened to deck himself out exactly like Lee Harvey Oswald. And not just in the clothes that he wore but in the way that he wore them. 

Is that Lovelady on the left? Really? Then why does he look so starkly different?

We know that Doorman's shirt was sprawled open just like we see on Oswald above. And, it would be an amazing coincidence if Lovelady wore his shirt the exact same way. It's not the standard way to wear a shirt. But, we can see very plainly on the right that he didn't. That is the most commonly referenced image of Lovelady from 11/22/63. John McAdams uses it in a collage to debunk Oswald as Doorman. And it was only minutes after the doorway scene, and you can't assume that Lovelady reconfigured himself. It is a screaming obscenity for anyone to suggest that those two images above are of the same person. It is an evil, wicked, dastardly lie that only a blood-soaked Kennedy-killer would tell. It is an insult to our intelligence that they even try to make this claim. And God damn them to Eternal Hell for doing it. 

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