Sunday, December 29, 2013

You have to realize that very quickly, and I mean almost immediately, Oswald did it and did it alone became absolutely sacrosanct. 

We live in a society in which officialdom is like a religion. Officialdom issues decrees, doctrines, edicts. So let it be written, so let it be done. The word spread quickly that Oswald was the sole guilty one, and tolerance of anything else would not be allowed or tolerated. Accept that Oswald did it or be branded an enemy of the state. Accept that Oswald did it or be considered a communist. Accept that Oswald did it or be considered a traitor. And if you worked either for the government or for the media in any capacity, your job, your career hinged on supporting the official story. 

It's just like with 9/11. The Solicitor General of the United States said that he received a call from his wife, and she said that the pilots of American 77 were huddled in the back of the plane along with the passengers. In other words, the pilots turned the plane over to the guys waving box cutters.   

That is not something they EVER would have done. It could not possibly have happened. They would have fought to the fucking death. As one commercial pilot put it, "they could be dis-emboweling a stewardess, and we wouldn't turn over the controls."

The FBI went on to deny that Ted Olson ever spoke to his wife. They said that the duration of his call with her was 0 seconds. 

Personally, I think it's very likely that Barbara Olson is still alive and still his wife, just under a new name and after having lost weight and having undergone plastic surgery:

There are over 2100 Arcitects and Engineers who say that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were imploded:

It keeps growing all the time. The last time I checked it was 1700. 

Do you know how populated the rival organization of Architects and Engineers who support the official story that the buildings fell because of fire is?  0. Not one scientist. There is no rival organization. The one for 9/11 truth keeps growing, attracting more members; the other one doesn't even exist. 

Not one architect or engineer is willing to vouch for the idea that those buildings collapsed because of fire. 

And the situation is very much the same with JFK. The case against Oswald is completely devoid of substance. Officialdom relies on nasty aging rockers to push the lie, but I snap nasty aging rockers in my hands like twigs. And then ptoi! You can stew in the spit and blood forever, bpete. It's who you are; it's where you belong. Filth begets filth. You wicked bastard.  

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