Wednesday, December 25, 2013

You see, Backes, there is no way bpete could endorse your theory of the fake bus ride and cab ride. It's impossible.

You have innocent Oswald being framed by the Dallas Police for killing Kennedy and Tippit. So, if you throw in a fake bus ride and cab ride it's nothing. 

But, bpete has Oswald locking and loading on Kennedy and killing Tippit. So, the bad guy in his version of the story is Oswald- not the Dallas Police. If there were some way that he could construe it that they got it wrong, that it was a comedy of errors, a mistake, that would be fine. But, there is the bus transfer ticket reportedly found in Oswald's shirt pocket, which means that they planted it there. And that makes them the bad guys. 

bpete is willing to attribute mistakes to the authorities. Remember how he said that that WC got it wrong about Oswald changing his shirt? He thinks he knows better that Oswald did change his shirt. And as for the shirt fibers found on the rifle, there was no foul play involved.  Oswald must have handled the rifle wearing his arrest shirt months before, and the fibers clung to the gun. Simple as that. Mind you, bpete has no grounds at all for stipulating such a thing. It's just an arbitrary construct he invented out of thin air.
Remember: he is a boy and not a man, and as with all children, imagination wins the day, not reality. But, it enables him to claim it was all a big misunderstanding. 

But, in this case, there is no innocent way to account for that bus transfer ticket in Oswald's pocket. If Oswald didn't ride the bus, then they, the Dallas Police, planted it on him. And that turns the whole thing into a big, foul, dirty, Machiavellian operation, and it turns Oswald into the helpless victim. And that is repulsive to bpete. 

So, bear all that in mind as you read this again, and hopefully you'll realize that bpete is just spewing vomit here. 

You and he can disagree on certain aspects of the case? Yeah, like who killed Kennedy. 

I think you're both disgusting. That you can co-exist and fawn over each other even though he has Oswald on the 6th floor locking and loading while you have Oswald harmlessly downstairs is a sickening spectacle. It is the most sickening display of patronizing I have ever seen. He says you back your opinions with facts and evidence even when they are diametrically opposed to his? That doesn't even make sense. How can the facts and evidence support both Oswald innocence and Oswald guilt?

bpete is a liar, but he's not a very smart liar. He doesn't think his lies through. He places Oswald on the 6th floor killing Kennedy. That would bother you if you were a real CT. But, you are not a real CT, and it's proof that you are not. There is no grounds for friendship and accord between "Oswald was guilty" people and "Oswald was innocent" people. Friendship between dogs and cats- that I can believe. Friendship between the Hatfields and McCoys, what the heck? You can't keep feuding forever, right? 

But, between those who think that Oswald was framed for the murder of Kennedy and Tippit in what was a coup d'etat from the highest levels of power, and those who say Oswald really did it, a double murder, there should NEVER be even the slightest, momentary accord. Should they be enemies? You God-damn right they should.

You expose your foul soul, Backes, and the magnitude of your corruption could not be more naked. 


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