Sunday, December 29, 2013

This really does tell it all. Keep in mind that there is absolutely no doubt that Junior Jarman was perched at the 5th floor window during the passing of the motorcade. Multiple testimonies support it, including Junior Jarman's. 

Mr. BALL. What did he say?
Mr. FRITZ. Well, he told me about the same story about this lunch.
Mr. BALL. He mentioned who he was having lunch with, did he not?
Mr. FRITZ. Yes, sir; he told me he was having lunch when the President was shot.
Mr. BALL. With whom?
Mr. FRITZ. With someone called Junior, someone he worked with down there, but he didn't remember the other boy's name.

The "other boy" of course was Harold Norman who also was at the 5th floor window. 

After having been seen by Oswald downstairs during his lunch, Jarman and Norman actually went outside and were planning to watch the motorcade from outside. But, after having gone out there, they changed their mind and decided to go up to the 5th floor and watch from the window. It means that you have to allow enough time for them to go outside, mill around for some time out there, and then change their mind and relocate themselves up to the 5th floor. And remember that the elevators were turned off during the motorcade, and they didn't walk up 5 flights of stairs, which means that they were riding that elevator well before the motorcade arrived.

All of this was well known to Fritz. He even knew what he ate: cheese sandwich plus an apple from Mrs. Payne's house. It's on page 3 of the Fritz Notes.

Junior Jarman and Harold Norman were on the 5th floor when the President got shot.

Junior Jarman and Harold Norman were on the 5th floor when the President got shot.

Junior Jarman and Harold Norman were on the 5th floor when the President got shot.

Junior Jarman and Harold Norman were on the 5th floor when the President got shot.

Fritz lied. Fritz lied. Fritz lied. Fritz lied. Fritz lied. Fritz lied. 

And the blood-soaked, brain-splattered MacRae lies every time he opens his mouth. 

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