Monday, May 26, 2014

"A internet coward? Don't you mean "an" internet coward? The above was Backes' entire response to my post below. He didn't respond to anything- not a single point. It's just an empty deprecation. Yes, it seems to be over, Backes- for you. 

Forget it, Backass. You can't claim it was technically impossible. They were doing video merging as early as 1945:

And this was from Mary Poppins, which came out in 1964:

So, you're argument that it couldn't have happened because it wasn't possible is just plain stupid. Here is an article about "superimposition" in the early days of photography and cinema:

Then, the Proscenium-Stuffer puts up this:

Uh, Backes: they're different guys. Can't you see that? And the first guy doesn't even look human. He looks like an alien. And do you notice the difference in lighting? The second guy is glowing like an apparition, which is what he was. Why is the lighting so different, Backes, when it's supposed to be the same moment in time and space? Why is he all light up like a Roman candle in one and not in the other? Why is his shirt spread open in one and not in the other if they're both the same guy? Why does one have his whole forearm resting on the table while the other has just his elbow on it? Compare the shapes of their heads, Backes? Why does the first guy have a very long skinny head which looks freaky while the second guy's head looks normal? (except for the color that is running in back, which is a whole separate issue, and I have it marked off on him)  How can they possibly be the same guy? 

And, I haven't made any claims about the images of the cops on the 6th floor. I have said nothing about it, so don't throw it back at me. 

Backes, the only thing you proved is that you're a fucking idiot. Lovelady was never at that desk. They faked it. And that is a well established fact. 

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