Friday, May 30, 2014

The only thing that Robert Groden did, Backes, was betray the JFK truth movement. He never once put an image of Oswald side by side with Doorman to compare them. But wait! He never ever used an image of Oswald, period. The closest he got to Oswald was to show an image of Oswald's empty shirt- but it was an image from the Warren Commission, and in form, it looked nothing like Oswald's shirt.

They completely removed the jacket-like fold on Oswald's shirt. Why? Because it's a dead-ringer match of Oswald and Doorman. 

So, NO image of Oswald, only his shirt, and a dis-info version of it. That's what Robert Groden did to Lee Oswald in his analysis. 

And EVERYTHING he said in support of Gorilla Man as Doorman was false. The fact is that their shirts did NOT match. The fact is that the men did NOT match. The fact is that Lovelady did NOT say he was there at the time, but elsewhere. There is absolutely NOTHING that matches between them. 

I used the "Groden scan" of Doorman because we're talking about Groden. But, let's bump it up a notch. This is the HSCA scan of Doorman. (and no need to get fussy about the use of the word "scan", Asshole; it doesn't matter) It came from Robin Unger. He says it's the best, clearest, sharpest image of Doorman there is. 

 Now, that is NOT a plaid pattern. There is not a single check or box on that shirt. There are no vertical lines, and even the horizontal lines are too splotchy to correspond to anything we see on Gorilla Man's shirt. 

It's not that they aren't close enough to meet the threshold of being a match; it's that they are completely unalike. You are fucked in the head, Backes, if you think they are the same shirt pattern. 

And there is no excuse for Doorman's shirt being sprawled open and Gorilla Man's not. Are you honestly saying that if Gorilla Man was facing us the way Doorman is that his shirt would look the same? That is ridiculous! 

Here is a lightened version of Gorilla Man. Notice that we can see both of his collars: left and right. 

Look closely, and you'll see his right collar. I'll outline it:

So, we are seeing both his collars, which means that we are seeing both sides of his shirt. We are seeing the left side of his shirt in its entirety, and we are seeing part of the right side of his shirt. But, both sides of Doorman's shirt were sprawled open, so if Gorilla Man were Doorman, the left side of his sprawl would be completely visible. Here is Oswald from a side view:

Looking at him from the side doesn't hide the openness of his shirt. The same is true for Gorilla Man.

If Gorilla Man's shirt were sprawled open, we'd see it. You can't blame the angle for why his shirt looks closed. That doesn't get you off the hook. His shirt looks closed because it was closed. The fact is: he had every button buttoned except the top button. 

I stated that Groden never addressed whether Gorilla Man really was Lovelady. By that I meant, he never broached the question of whether he could have been someone else, an impostor. Groden never took a known picture of Lovelady and compared it to Gorilla Man.

And when you do that, you see very plainly that Gorilla Man was NOT Lovelady.

Do you see what the folks said, Backes? It's because they are not fucked in the head like you are. 

So, Groden didn't deal with that. He didn't deal with the missing shirt sprawl on Gorilla Man. He didn't deal with Gorilla Man's large, bulky size in comparison to scrawny, starved-looking Doorman. He outright lied about the shirt patterns, claiming that Doorman's showed the same pattern and "color" as "Lovelady's". And he didn't deal with the fact that Lovelady and Shelley both said they left for the railroad tracks immediately. And not just them, but also Buell Frazier said that they left right away but he that decided to stay put. But, Groden said nothing about any of this testimony; it's unknown if he was even aware of it. 

Robert Groden is a traitor to the JFK truth movement, just as Joseph Backes is a traitor to the JFK truth movement. It's no wonder they are friends. 

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