Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Interesting night tonight on Facebook. The people have been taking quite an interest in this photo discovered in 2013 of Jack and Jackie dazzling the crowd. 

But of course, the focus has been on that weird situation with the pinkified woman and girl. Hugh Williams suggested that they may have been added to hide something about that sinister looking man behind them. Notice that he isn't smiling. And doesn't he have the look of a Secret Service agent? Here's what I added to the discussion:

I'm glad that people here are taking an interest in this image. Note that there is another woman and child standing next to the ones in question, and they look OK. 

There is absolutely nothing askew about them. But, I am telling you, with considerable experience, that that woman on the left cannot be holding that girl, and we are looking at something that is physically and photographically impossible. It's almost like the little girl is levitating, that there's an air current underneath her that is holding her up in a sitting position. And I'll remind you that this is the JFK assassination we're talking about, and this is one more weird photographic phenomenon in an event that is riddled with weird photographic phenomena. By the way, I think Hugh's idea is interesting, that they were covering up something because that guy behind the woman does look sinister. But, my thought was that they added her simply because she is waving. There isn't too much waving going on. They obviously emboldened the picture with color. The message they were trying to send was: Jack and Jackie dazzling and delighting the crowd. But, you take her out, and with those sinister, grumpy looking  guys there, then the picture would look rather lackluster. Or worse. Did those two grumpy guys know something? Something that was about to happen? So, it may have been just that- to soften and sweeten that side of the picture. Still, with that levitating little girl there, it's freaky.

And then I added an afterthought:

So, as a followup, here's my idea. Maybe Hugh is right. Maybe they were trying to cover something up pertaining to the man behind her. Maybe he was a Secret Service Agent. Maybe something was showing. A gun? A holster? So, they put the woman in. But then they saw that it wasn't covering up completely whatever they were trying to cover up. So, they added the girl. She obviously looks like she was sitting, but it must have been somewhere else. She couldn't have been sitting there. And then they pinkified the two of them in order smooth it all over. It's just an idea.

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