Tuesday, December 3, 2024


I have done a close-up of Lovelady's hands atop his head in the Altgens photo. I wanted to see if it's real; if it's really his hands. Or is it more crude art?
Well, it is certainly weird. If you put your hands atop your head, it's your pinkies that will be facing forwad. If you're not sure about it, go ahead and do it in front of a mirror.
So, that deviated finger that we see has got to be a pinkie. But, the pinkie doesn't behave like that. The pinkie and the ring figer are parallel, and they usually work together. They both do the same thing. If you have an explicit reason to jut your pinkie out by itself, you can do it. But, if you don't have that intention, and if you're not thinking about it, you're not at all likely to do that. You're much more likely to leave your hand in its neutral position, where the ring finger and pinkie are pretty much aligned.
And there is absolutely no lateral bending in the interphylangeal joints. Those joints can flex and extend, and that's it. I put a question mark in the space between the pinkie and the ring finger because that space shouldn't be there.
There appears to be two phylanges there; one starting at the metacarpo-phalangeal joint, which I indicated with an x. And the other is the interphalangeal joint, which I indicated with a y. But, the problem is that there are 3 digits in the pinkie. So, you have the metacarpo-phalangeal joint, and then the proximal interphalangeal joint, and then the distal interphalangeal joint. So, this pinkie has a joint and a bone missing.
Then, when we look above it at the ring fingers, the two ring fingers seem to be continuous. One runs into the other. We don't see a break between them. To me, it looks like one long finger between two metacarpal joints.
And then above that, we see a very weird interlacing of the fingers. But, if you are going to interlace your fingers, you're going to interlace all of them. Maybe not the thumb, because the thumb has a life of its own, but definitely the four fingers. So, in this case, are we supposed to believe that he has just his middle and index fingers interlaced? I don't believe it. I don't think anyone would do that. And if somebody did do it, the ring fingers would still have to overlap. That's because you have to move your whole hand; you can't leave your ring fingers behind.
Is it even possible for someone to configure their hands the way we see them here? I don't think so. I don't think anyone could do better than "kinda/sorta". And if you want to stand in front of a mirror and try, ask yourself when you're done, whether your hands could wind up like that spontaneously; without thinking.
So, I tell you that this is art. It is somebody's crappy art. Was Lovelady doing it at all? Perhaps not. Maybe they came up with the idea as a way of justifying why he has no head and face. After all, if he was just standing there with his arms down, they couldn't just blacken out his head and leave hiim standing there headless. Nobody would buy that. So, they created this illusion because, even though he's headless, at least he has his full height. And the suggestion is that his face is in shadow- even though it is optically impossible. His elbows are way out and his hands are not visoring his eyes, so what is there to cast shadow on his face? There's nothing.
As I have said, these people were brazen and arrogant, and they thought they were Gods, that they could get away with anything. Who were they? I don't know who the artists were, but I think I know who their boss was: Dino Brugioni. And, I do believe that he hoodwinked Doug Horne and Peter Janney into thinking that he supported them.

 These are random photos of Michael J. Fox. Notice how different his hair looks in these pictures. There are no two in which his hair looks the same.

Study it a while, and then, click to the other collage of Young Lovelady and Doorman, and notice how identical their hair looks over a 6 year span of time. That's 6 years in which Billy Lovelady was rapidly balding. Yet, the length, the lay, the combing, and the recession are exactly the same. It literally looks identical. That's because it was identical. They moved Lovelady's crown over to Doorman, replacing the top of Oswald's head.

 Part 2: Jack Ruby was NOT a Mafioso

I'll start this chapter by pointing out that Ruby denied that he was in the Mafia or had ever been in the Mafia. Now, I realize that people can lie. But, in Ruby's case, he asked for a polygraph test and got one. And he didn't ask for it because he thought he was such a good liar that he could "beat the machine." He asked for it because he intended to tell the truth. And he was asked if he was ever involved with Organized Crime, and he said no.
But, another consideration is the fact that Ruby was willing to accept that he shot Oswald. Even though he never had any thought to do it, and never had any anger at Oswald, and had no memory, no mental image of having shot Oswald, he accepted that he did it only because the Dallas Police told him that he did. But, my point is that if he was willing to admit to killing Oswald, why would he lie about being in the Mafia?
The story starts in Chicago where Ruby, as a teenager, was said to be a runner for Al Capone, meaning that he ran errands for him, delivering stuff. There is no concrete evidence for this; no photograph, no document, no court record, and no testimony with confirming details. For instance, Oswald said that he stood in the doorway during the motorcade, and he said that Bill Shelley was also there. That is a confirming detail because Shelley was there, and he admitted he was there. How could Oswald know he was there unless he was there himself? There is nothing like that for the claim about Ruby working for Al Capone.
But, reportedly, there were a dozen teenage boys who did errands for Al Capone. Even it were true that Ruby was one of them, and I don't know if it's true, it wouldn't make Ruby a Mafioso. And we know what became of Ruby, that he was drafted in 1943 and served in the Army Air Force. After the war, he returned to Chicago and worked with his brother Sam in his marketing ventures. And then in 1947, he moved to Dallas to help his siter Eva in her nightclub businerss. So, the question of whether Ruby ran errands for Al Capone as a teenager has no bearing on the course of his life- regardless of what the truth is. Considering the lack of any concrete evidence for it, and the finiteness of it in terms of the direction Ruby's life went, it hardly matters at all, and it doesn't rise to the level of making him a Mafioso- even if you assume the worst, as people want to do.
So, by the time Ruby moved to Dallas in 1947, there is nothing but that little ditty to support the claim that Ruby was Mafioso.
And I want you to realize that making up stories is part and parcel of the JFK assassination. We were told that Lovelady's kids saw Oswald on tv, and they began to cry because they thought he was their dad. What the motherfolk? Oswald was 5'9 131 pounds. Lovelady was 5'8" 170 pounds. How could Lovelady's kids think that Oswald was their dad? There was another story that Lovelady's wife Patricia saw Oswald from behind at the TSBD and called to him as her husband, which is more horseshit. Remember the story about Oswald going to the firing range and shooting diagonally at other people's targets? Total horseshit, and even some lone-nutters like David Reitz admit it. Before the Gulf War, the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador told Congress that the Iraqi troops took babies out of incubators, leaving them to die, to send the incubators up to Baghdad. A total lie thought up by a Park Avenue advertising firm hired by the Kuwaiti government!
So, whether as a teenager Jack Ruby ran errands for Al Capone is unconfirmed, but, relatively speaking, it is so mild that, if anything, Ruby would have bragged about it. He wouldn't have denied it.
And since that's all there is before Dallas, it means that Ruby got to Dallas with no significant ties to the Mafia. And the Warren Commission agreed with that. And I shall continue in the next installment with Ruby's new life in Dallas, and we'll see if he had any Mafia ties there.

Monday, December 2, 2024

 Part 1: Jack Ruby was NOT a Mafioso

This is going to be too long to do as one post, so I am breaking it up.
The people who planned this Machiavellian mind trip of making it look like Jack Ruby shot Oswald in the basement, they knew that some people were going to reject what they were selling. So, what they did was create the alternate story of what happened in advance, and then they made sure that the doubters and disputers gravitated to it because it worked just as well for them as the official story.
So, the official story was going to be that Ruby killed Oswald on his own, that he was a lone gunman, just like Oswald, and that he did over is outrage at Kennedy's murder and "to save Jackie a trip to Dallas." Now, that latter tidbit wasn't Ruby's; it was invented by his lawyer, Tom Howard.
But, Tom Howard really wasn't Ruby's lawyer. Howard had done some legal work for Ruby years before, but he was presently on retainer for Ruby at the time. Ruby never asked for him. Howard, who lived in Houston, just happened to be there, and when the cops told Ruby it was time for him to talk to his lawyer, Ruby went along with it. Ruby went along with everything.
But, not only was Howard there on Sunday morning. He was there on Friday night. Now, why was he there on Friday night? He lived in Houston. He had a family. JFK got killed, so he decided to drive from Houston to Dallas just to be on the scene?
Professor Gerald McKnight told during a long phone call (and we had several) that Howard was not only there on Friday night but was seen talking to Fritz.
And that fits in perfectly wiht my contention that they hoped to kill Oswald on Friday night, before or after midnight. But, it just didn't work out. Ruby was there, and he admitted attending the MPC, but apprently, he wasn't in a location that they could pin the shooting on him. And then Oswald went on and on a verbal rampage about being denied a lawyer, and doing serous damage, second by second.. So, they decided to abort.
And, by the way, I hope you are smart enough to realize that the LHO of fame never met with H. Louis Nichols and turned down his offer for a lawyer. It wasn't just at the MPC that Oswald implored the world for a lawyer. And he didn't ask for any particular lawyer. He asked for "legal assistance." I counted 13x that he asked for a lawyer, where I could hear it form his own voice. So, after all that, do you really think he would have turned down Nichols' offer? They must have had a double who did that. But, it goes to show you how much damage Oswald did at the MPC.
The official story that Ruby killed Osald it pre-meditated is also how Henry Wade prosecuted Ruby at the trial and won. Wade didn't play the Mafia card. And neither did the Warren Commission. They were unwilling to give credence to any claims that Ruby had Mafia ties.
And Ruby, hiimself, denied that he was in the Mafia or had Mafia ties. He denied it under oath. He denied it at his polygraph test- which he requested. And he didn't request it because thought he could "beat the machine." He requested it because he had every intention of telling the truth.
The way story usually goes is that Ruby was in the Mafia and that his Mafia bosses ordered him to kill Oswald to silence him, and if Ruby didn't do it, they would kill him or his sister. It is a preposterous story. You know very well that if the Mafia ordered you to kill somebody or else they would kill you or your sister that you wouldn't do it. I presume that, like me, you would report it to the police. And then you would take measures to protect yourself and your sister. You're certainly not going to go out and kill the person.
But, in this case, the non-credibility of the claim is even worse than that because there isn't even a time and place when this order and threat could have happened. We know Ruby's whereabouts ever second of every minute of every hour from Wednesday November 20 through Sunday November 24. You can see it right here:
It includes everywhere he went; everyone he talked to; and every phone call he had. And there is no time that he met with anyone from the Mafia or got a phone call from anyone in the Mafia. And they couldn't have set it up prior to that, could they? Kennedy wasn't even dead yet.
So, the claim that Ruby was ordered by the Mafia to kill Oswald is not only unsubstaniated, it is physically and temporally impossible.
And that concludes Part 1. Stay tuned for Part 2.

 The Dallas Police killed Oswald, and their guilt was dripping even before it happened. They announced beforehand that they had gotten 100 phone calls from people threatening to kill Oswald. Do you believe that? Who calls the police to inform them of such a thing? One officer even said he recognized Jack Ruby as one of the callers. Well then, why didn't he immediately go pick him up?

And why, in that very threatening environment, did the Dallas Police make a spectacle out of moving Oswald to the County Jail? Why not move him in the dead of night without telling anyone? Why instead did they have to turn into a debutante ball? They even went on the radio on Sunday morning to decry how dangerous it was and how likely it was that someone was going to try to kill Oswald. I would say it was like they were prescient, but in reality, they flat-out knew.
It was going to be a 40 foot walk to a car. We see the car in the footage. This car, driven by Charles Dhority, was to convey Oswald to the County Jail. They got a huge armored vehicle- so huge it was too big to enter the garage. But, that was just a decoy. It was going to leave without Oswald, so that the bombers would be attracted to it. But, who goes to such trouble? All they had to do was move Oswald without announcing it. All the risk that they took, they chose to take. It could have been easily avoided.
And there was more. They had to screen all the press that were going to be there. It was like going through security at the airport. They said that they had bomb-sniffing dogs going car to car in the garage. Who does that when all they had to do was move Oswald privately? What obliged them to turn it into an extravaganza? Nothing.
And why was it so important to the press to film this 40 foot walk to a car? Oswald had been filmed all weekend long. On Friday night, he had his own press conference. Name me one other criminal who ever got a press conference.
And then, why did they have to turn the 40 foot walk into a procession? Why did they have to be so God-damn ceremonial about it? It was like a pageant. They were cops, for Christ's sake. Who does such a thing? And it's never happened before or since. This is the only time such a thing has happened.
Then, they claimed that Leavelle was handcuffed to Oswald. For a 40 foot walk to a car? When else, in the history of police work, has that been done? And if the walk was that dangerous, why do it? If they had done it when no one was there, they could have pulled the car up to the door and had no walk at all.
And then, when the Shooter rushed in, no cop took any action until AFTER the shot was fired. The Shooter had to run right past LC Graves; right in front of him. How could Graves not see him?
And then, when the police did go into action to subdue the Shooter, why didn't they cuff him in the garage? They were cops, so doesn't it seem like they would have done that instinctually? Isn't that the very first thing cops do is push the assilant down, get his hands behind his back, and cuff him?
And how did the cops all know thajt they were going to take him inside through the corner door? Why not go through the big wide double doors? And how was it that they were all on the same page about that? What, did they all get the memo?
And how was it that with so many film and photographic cameras shooting from all directions that the Shooter's face never got captured in the garage? It was always the wrong angle to see his face. How did that happen? Just by chance?
And how was it that two men picked up the body of a third man, Oswald, and carried him into the Jail Office, but we never got a glimpse of them doing it? Even though cameras were pointed on the scene, that never got captured. It supposedly just got obscured in the frenzy.
And how is it that they had something to cover the Shooter's head after his hat fell off? You can see it here:
And how was it that right away, there were so many guys swarming out and blocking the view? Wasn't that a bit too convenient?
There is nothing credible about the whole spectacle. It was obviously planned and choreographed. And the Shooter was not Jack Ruby. If it were him, there would have been no need to keep his face out of view. In fact, they would have wanted it in view.
The Garage Spectacle was theater; made for televison theater. Osawld was not shot in the garage. He was shot afterwards. The Dallas Police killed him. Jack Ruby was just a poor, witless buffoon whom they tricked into thinking he shot Oswald. Ruby got there earlier, about an hour earlier, according to him. He told the Warren Commissioners that he sent the money wire at 10:15. He did. And he was already in custody up on the 5th floor when the Garage Spectacle went down.
Jack Ruby was sacrificed, like a lamb, in order to get Oswald killed. And the theater they put on was probably the greatest Psy-Op of all time. And when I say "greatest" I mean that the greatest number of people were bamboozled. It was until 2013 that anyone proclaimed that Ruby wsa innocent. And it wasn't me who first said it. It was the Russian, Maxim Irkutsk.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

 Dee McFarlane posted this up-close image to show that the tie-wearing man was slapped in there, that there is no credible junction between the two figures. But, it also shows us how non-credible the black man is. He was there, but he wasn't turned east, but rather west, as you can see in the Wiegman film. Of course, he was turned west because that's where JFK and Jackie were, and all eyes were on them.

The black man's image isn't real because all he has for a body is a white shamrock. That's what I call it. He has no shoulders, arms, or chest; he has just a shamrock. I put an arrow to it.
How did they expect to get away with that? They expected to get away with it because they didn't know that everyone was going to have a home computer with which to blow it up.
And look closely at this photo because the perpetrators did more than that. They actually drew a hand in, which is supposed to be the black man's hand, waving. So, they tried to turn Oswald's arm coming down into the black man's arm going up.
It's ridiculous because his arm is way too high; his hand is turned the wrong way; he has no shoulder; and the greyscale of the black man's rolled up sleeve looks the same as his bare skin. It is laughably ridiculous. What was wrong with them to think they could get away with this?
They were in a frenzy of power and arrogance. They thought they could do anything. They thought they were Gods. All they had to do was destroy the photo,. The instant they saw that Oswald was in it, they should have shredded it. Nobody would have complained; not even Altgens. He was a team player, and it wasn't going to affect his paycheck.
What they did instead was maniacal. It was bat-shit crazy.