Sunday, December 1, 2024

 Dee McFarlane posted this up-close image to show that the tie-wearing man was slapped in there, that there is no credible junction between the two figures. But, it also shows us how non-credible the black man is. He was there, but he wasn't turned east, but rather west, as you can see in the Wiegman film. Of course, he was turned west because that's where JFK and Jackie were, and all eyes were on them.

The black man's image isn't real because all he has for a body is a white shamrock. That's what I call it. He has no shoulders, arms, or chest; he has just a shamrock. I put an arrow to it.
How did they expect to get away with that? They expected to get away with it because they didn't know that everyone was going to have a home computer with which to blow it up.
And look closely at this photo because the perpetrators did more than that. They actually drew a hand in, which is supposed to be the black man's hand, waving. So, they tried to turn Oswald's arm coming down into the black man's arm going up.
It's ridiculous because his arm is way too high; his hand is turned the wrong way; he has no shoulder; and the greyscale of the black man's rolled up sleeve looks the same as his bare skin. It is laughably ridiculous. What was wrong with them to think they could get away with this?
They were in a frenzy of power and arrogance. They thought they could do anything. They thought they were Gods. All they had to do was destroy the photo,. The instant they saw that Oswald was in it, they should have shredded it. Nobody would have complained; not even Altgens. He was a team player, and it wasn't going to affect his paycheck.
What they did instead was maniacal. It was bat-shit crazy.

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