Wednesday, December 25, 2024

 The hand of Oswald on his chest in the Jackson photo really is a monstrosity. It is grotesque, and it is screaming out loud that the photo was tampered with. And to demonstrate that, I have a drawn a line across his wrist. I want you to compare it to the line across my wrist, next to it, which didn't need any drawing because you can plainly see it.

Now, there are people who are going to say that there is some other material from his sweater that is covering his wrist, but look at my wrist and you'll see that that isn't possible. The shirt, or the sweater, fits snugly, and there is no other material that could cover his wrist. It is an exceedingly grotesque visual of a hand and wrist, and if you compare it to other images of hands and wrists, you'll realize how freaky it is.

And that was as visible and apparent in 1963 as it is today. So, how could people not see it? How could Ruby's lawyers not see it?
Well, that is a question for Sociology. But, the short answer is that when "group-think" takes over, it's like the movement of a herd. It's like lemmings going over a cliff. The belief that Ruby shot Oswald was presented without any alternatives, and without any that people could even imagine. They couldn't imagine that the Dallas Police killed Oswald and framed Ruby. That idea didn't exist even as a theoretical possibility. And that is why the grotesque abnormalities in the photographic record of the Oswald shooting went unnoticed and unseen.

But, that was 1963, and this is 2025. There's no excuse for not seeing it today. And the implications are that the State killed Oswald, after having killed Kennedy. So, when I say that the Dallas Police killed Oswald, I don't mean that they did it as their own, personal vendetta. There is no way they would have done that. I mean that they did it as agents of the State, of the federal government, and of President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who put them up to it as their Commander in Chief. They were all ex-military guys. There is no way they would have done it otherwise. LBJ is the one who ordered it, sanctioned it, and legitimized it.

What kind of year is 2025 going to be- for you? Of coruse, I don't know, but I hope it's a good year for you. But, what I really mean is, what kind of development and awakening are you going to have in 2025? And I suggest that having an awakening about the JFK assassination might be liberating. It might change the way you look at a lot of things.

Looking at these images, it's clear that the one on the left isn't right. And, it's also clear that there is no innocent explanation for it. Don't listen to those who tell you to brush it off. Don't accept their lame excuses for why it looks the way it does. Let's be defiant and demand an end to the lies-and for our own sake.

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