Thursday, December 12, 2024

 I want you to do me a favor and watch the beginning of the Zapruder film because it looks to me like the motorcycle cop on the north side, meaning on the left as we view it, doesn't make the turn from Houston to Elm. It looks like he just keeps going down Houston, north.

So, see if you can confirm that. You can slow it down to .25 speed, which may help. He just keeps riding leftward and out of frame.

And after that, all you see are 2 motorcycles. However, at the very end of the clip, and I mean the very last second, it pans back and you see a 3rd motorcycle emerging from the foliage of the tree.

I am suspicious of that last sighting. I'm also suspicious of the foliage. And notice that that whole area of his is hazy. Why is it hazy? Because it's between the sprockets? Un-huh.

Well, let's leave that alone a moment and look at something else. It's the far left side of the Altgens6 photo. It's rarely seen because usually, it's cropped out. It was never published in any newspaper or magazine. It shows a woman with a camera taking a picture, and there's another woman next to her smiling. But, between them, there is a black disc. It was added to cover up something.

So, using software, I was able to remove several layers of it to see what was underneath it, and it turned out to be the image of a motorcycle cop.

You see the motorcycle helmet on the right, right? I didn't put it there. It was underneath the black. And "they" put the black there.

So, where was he? He was in front of the TSBD but west of the entrance. He may have been halfway to the parking lot that was next to the railway yard.

What was he doing there? I don't know. But, I am thinking that he may have been the motorcycle cop who didn't make the turn onto Elm. Instead, he turned left on the Elm Street Utility Rd. in front of the TSBD.

Who was he? I don't know for sure, but I suspect he was HB McClain. You may recall that I posted the video by Saintly Oswald in which he demonstrated that the cop who was running towards the steps in the famous Darnell Clip (also known as the Prayer Man clip, but I repeat that there was no Prayer Man; that's all bogus) was not Baker, as most people assume. That's because we know where Baker parked his motorcycle. Baker told us. It was at the corner by the traffic light, and he just had to run directly across the street. Baker was adjacent to the doorway. The cop who was running started from west of the doorway (about where the cop was who was behind the two women in the Altgens photo), and Saintly Oswald determined that that running cop was HB McClain. Saintly Oswald also concluded that McClain didn't climb the steps. He ran past them. He may have run around the corner of Houston. Saintly Oswald reasoned that if the running cop had entered the building, Baker would have encountered him inside, and he didn't.

So, if that's McClain who was running, and if he wound up there because he pulled out of the motorcade right when they were turning from Houston to Elm, what was it all about? What was his purpose? Why did he need to be on that Utility Rd. in front of the TSBD when the assassination went down? I don't assume he was a shooter, but I do assume he had some role in the assassination. Any ideas?

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