Look at this ridiculous Jackson photo. It's supposed to be after the shot. So, a shot just went off in that small, cramped space. It was practically like shooting a gun inside. That's how loud it was. Then Oswald audibly groaned, and he apparently slapped his arm to his chest (not really, but that's what the photo shows).
So, how could Detective Roy Lowery (on the left, next to the wall) still be clasping his hands in front after all that? And he told the Warren Commission that he saw everything, that he saw and recognized Jack Ruby standing there, that he saw the gun, and he saw him make his move. And that all happened before the shot went off. Yet, after the shot, he is still standing there, relaxed, with his hands clasped in front of his body?
Even Will Fritz is reacting. His arms are going up. It's pretty fake looking, but at least it's something. So, why isn't Lowery reacting, both as a cop, and as a human being with a startle reaction? But, there isn't one person in the whole photo exhibiting a startle reaction.
What about the guy on the far right who is supposed to be Detective Blackie Harrison? He's not Harrison. He's actually Leonid Brezhnev. Just kidding of course, but he looks more like Brezhnev than he does Harrison. But, he's supposed to be reaching for the Shooter's gun. While smoking a cigar? And doting on it with a gesture like Groucho Marx?
NBC reporter Tom Petit is on the right in the white trench coat. He's not reacting either. He doesn't look the least bit stressed or startled, even though a shot just happened. Shouldn't he be shocked and stunned?
Jim Leavelle in his Easter suit said the same thing as Lowery, that he saw and recognized Ruby on the side and saw the gun and saw him coming in. He said that he jerked Oswald behind him to protect him, but you can see that Oswald is not behind him. He said that he thumped Ruby on his left shoulder with his right hand, but that was a lie too. He never did that. But, since he saw the Shooter in advance and was aware of what was happening, doesn't it seem like he should have responded by now?
I'll mention just one more guy: the cop in the white hat in the far back. Notice that he seems to be looking directly at us. He's not looking at the action in front of him. He's looking through that at us. The reason he seems to be looking at us is because he was looking at the camera. Our view and the camera's view are one and the same. Therefore, since he was looking directly at the camera, it seems like he is looking at us. But, he was a cop too. He must have heard the shot. So, why isn't he going into action to respond?
This photo is preposterous. It was staged, and I mean before the televised spectacle. And we know how they did it. Just read the testimony of Dr. Fred Bieberdorf. He said that at 9:45, they cleared out the garage. All the reporters and cameramen were told they had to leave. They were told that they could wait in the press room on the 3rd floor. And they didn't let them back into the garage until 10 minutes before the jail transfer. It happened at 11:20, so that would mean 11:10. So, that's an hour and 25 minutes. And what they did during that time was first: grab Ruby. He showed up about 10:20. He sent his money wire at 10:17. That's what he told the Warren Commission. They hustled him up to the 5th floor, and they had to settle him there. I know that two of the detectives who were involved in that were Thomas McMillan and Blackie Harrison. And that's why they had to recruit Leonid to fill in for Blackie in the Jackson photo.
So, while Ruby was being handled on the 5th floor, and it may have taken some convincing to get him to accept that he shot Oswald, the others took their iconic photos in the garage. And the reason they had Leonid smoke a cigar was to cover the lower part of his face. Someone must have thought that there was something weird about his chin area, and that it needed to be covered up for him to pass as Blackie. So, that's the idea they came up with.
Hey, I'm a filmmaker, and I know very well that sometimes, you have to make sudden decisions to cope with unexpected problems. And there are always unexpected problems.
So, here's what I think happened: Blackie was up tending to Ruby when they shot this. Afterwards, they informed him that they had to have Leonid smoke a cigar to cover his chin. Therefore, Blackie had to smoke a cigar. So, even during the melee', he continued smoking his cigar.
You know that in an emergency, with the need to subdue a violent criminal before he kills again, a cop is going to ditch his cigarette or cigar. As he's moving in, with one of his hands, he will dash it to the ground. He's not going to keep smoking at a time like that. But, in this case, they had to tie Blackie to Leonid, so they told him to smoke and keep smoking.
So, who was Leonid? He may have been Jim Hosty. And if so, that would put two FBI agents in the garage: James Bookhout and James Hosty.
This ridiculous photo won the Pulitzer Prize, and that is crazy. It's a farce! I attribute it to the fiat power of the State. Fiat is from the Latin: "to let it be done." Think of Yul Brenner in THE KING AND I: "So let it be written; so let it be done."
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