Monday, December 2, 2024

 Part 1: Jack Ruby was NOT a Mafioso

This is going to be too long to do as one post, so I am breaking it up.
The people who planned this Machiavellian mind trip of making it look like Jack Ruby shot Oswald in the basement, they knew that some people were going to reject what they were selling. So, what they did was create the alternate story of what happened in advance, and then they made sure that the doubters and disputers gravitated to it because it worked just as well for them as the official story.
So, the official story was going to be that Ruby killed Oswald on his own, that he was a lone gunman, just like Oswald, and that he did over is outrage at Kennedy's murder and "to save Jackie a trip to Dallas." Now, that latter tidbit wasn't Ruby's; it was invented by his lawyer, Tom Howard.
But, Tom Howard really wasn't Ruby's lawyer. Howard had done some legal work for Ruby years before, but he was presently on retainer for Ruby at the time. Ruby never asked for him. Howard, who lived in Houston, just happened to be there, and when the cops told Ruby it was time for him to talk to his lawyer, Ruby went along with it. Ruby went along with everything.
But, not only was Howard there on Sunday morning. He was there on Friday night. Now, why was he there on Friday night? He lived in Houston. He had a family. JFK got killed, so he decided to drive from Houston to Dallas just to be on the scene?
Professor Gerald McKnight told during a long phone call (and we had several) that Howard was not only there on Friday night but was seen talking to Fritz.
And that fits in perfectly wiht my contention that they hoped to kill Oswald on Friday night, before or after midnight. But, it just didn't work out. Ruby was there, and he admitted attending the MPC, but apprently, he wasn't in a location that they could pin the shooting on him. And then Oswald went on and on a verbal rampage about being denied a lawyer, and doing serous damage, second by second.. So, they decided to abort.
And, by the way, I hope you are smart enough to realize that the LHO of fame never met with H. Louis Nichols and turned down his offer for a lawyer. It wasn't just at the MPC that Oswald implored the world for a lawyer. And he didn't ask for any particular lawyer. He asked for "legal assistance." I counted 13x that he asked for a lawyer, where I could hear it form his own voice. So, after all that, do you really think he would have turned down Nichols' offer? They must have had a double who did that. But, it goes to show you how much damage Oswald did at the MPC.
The official story that Ruby killed Osald it pre-meditated is also how Henry Wade prosecuted Ruby at the trial and won. Wade didn't play the Mafia card. And neither did the Warren Commission. They were unwilling to give credence to any claims that Ruby had Mafia ties.
And Ruby, hiimself, denied that he was in the Mafia or had Mafia ties. He denied it under oath. He denied it at his polygraph test- which he requested. And he didn't request it because thought he could "beat the machine." He requested it because he had every intention of telling the truth.
The way story usually goes is that Ruby was in the Mafia and that his Mafia bosses ordered him to kill Oswald to silence him, and if Ruby didn't do it, they would kill him or his sister. It is a preposterous story. You know very well that if the Mafia ordered you to kill somebody or else they would kill you or your sister that you wouldn't do it. I presume that, like me, you would report it to the police. And then you would take measures to protect yourself and your sister. You're certainly not going to go out and kill the person.
But, in this case, the non-credibility of the claim is even worse than that because there isn't even a time and place when this order and threat could have happened. We know Ruby's whereabouts ever second of every minute of every hour from Wednesday November 20 through Sunday November 24. You can see it right here:
It includes everywhere he went; everyone he talked to; and every phone call he had. And there is no time that he met with anyone from the Mafia or got a phone call from anyone in the Mafia. And they couldn't have set it up prior to that, could they? Kennedy wasn't even dead yet.
So, the claim that Ruby was ordered by the Mafia to kill Oswald is not only unsubstaniated, it is physically and temporally impossible.
And that concludes Part 1. Stay tuned for Part 2.

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