He is claiming that the woman on the left is wearing a white scarf that is draped down over her shoulders and her torso such that we can't see her black dress at all. But, on the right, the same woman at the exact same time has the scarf wrapped tightly around her neck like a tourniquet where her black dress isn't covered up at all.
Who in their right mind would have a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck on a warm sunny 70+ degree day in Dallas? I was there in Dallas in November- last November- and it was warm and sunny and in the 70s, and believe me, that Texas sun was hot! Nobody was wearing any scarfs.
But, is she wearing a scarf? Based on what? Exactly how would she look different if it were just her and no scarf?
What would bpete expect to see that was different sans the imaginary scarf? How would the image be different if that were just her, just her skin above her dress? On what basis is bpete claiming that she is wearing a scarf?
I reject the whole notion of a scarf on her, but even if it were true, how can a scarf be falling over the torso of a woman and covering up her black dress while at the same time be wrapped tightly like a tourniquet around her neck and not be cascading down the front of her body the least bit?
Let's try it this way:
So, why is bpete making such a patently ridiculous claim that these two images depict the same thing? And remember that it's the exact same moment in time, so there is no room to say that she re-arranged the scarf from one to the other- that's out.
So, why is bpete saying it? It's because of blood: the blood of John Kennedy that bpete is soaked in. He needs to change his song from Hot Wired to Shot Hired because he might as well have gunned down Kennedy himself for what he is doing. This is absurd; it is stupid. And bpete is a very childish person- he hasn't matured one bit since 1985. He is an ex-rocker who has to make his living slinging JFK crap on the internet- the sad spectacle of a mean-spirited bastard. But, do you know what I do to mean-spirited bastards? I expose them. I fight them tooth and nail. Come on, mo-fo. Get 'em up.
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