Wednesday, December 11, 2013

This is an excellent clip from Oliver Stone's JFK which presents the core of the evidence. It starts with Garrison up in the 6th floor Sniper's Nest timing the 3 shots, and the recycling of that rifle was no easy thing. The guy couldn't do it even without having to find let alone hit a target. 

Then, it goes to the famous courtroom scene. Two things about it struck me. In placing Oswald, they showed Carolyn Arnold sighting him in the 2nd floor lunch room some minutes before the shooting. They said Oswald must have been told to go there, perhaps to receive a phone call.

Well, that's what I've been saying except that he was told to go there: FROM THE DOORWAY. Remember that Oswald had actually eaten his lunch before that in the Domino room below. That's what he said, and there is no reason to doubt him. If he didn't kill Kennedy, and we know he didn't, why is he going to lie about when and where he ate his lunch? 

So, by the time Carolyn Arnold saw him in the 2nd floor lunch room, which was between 12:20 and 12:25, he was done eating, and there is nothing left for him to do between then and his encounter with Truly and Baker at 12:31.5.  

So, how did he spend that time? I'm asking all CTs who know he wasn't up on the 6th floor but who doubt that he went outside. He had no book to read. He had no crossword puzzle to work. He wasn't writing any love letter to Marina- or to Judyth, if that's your fantasy. 

So, would he have just sat there in that lunch room doing absolutely nothing for 11 1/2 minutes? Or would he have preferred to go outside into the warm sunlight and watch JFK ride by? 

Then, the other thing I liked about the presentation is that they showed Oswald buying the Coke AFTER the encounter with Truly and Baker. AFTER, AFTER, AFTER, AFTER, AFTER. He did not have a Coke when Truly and Baker saw him, and they both said so. Truly and Baker did not know each other, and they could not have conspired to lie. Independently, they each said that Oswald had no Coke when they saw him, and that's because he didn't have one. 

So, the Coke came afterwards, and he was just bolstering himself. Think of it like a drug. If he had been a smoker, he surely would have lite up. But, he wasn't a smoker. 

But, the point is that if he had been in the lunch room the whole time just waiting there HE SURELY WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HIS COKE ALREADY. 

So, between the Carolyn Arnold sighting and the Baker/Truly sighting in the lunch room, Oswald had to have left that room; he went outside, and then he came back. And that's what happened. Here's the clip:

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