Friday, December 13, 2013

You Gawd-damn right, bpete. When Oswald told Fritz that he was "out with Bill Shelley in front" he was telling him where he as at the time of the shooting. We know the context. It was DURING the shooting. He could not have meant AFTER the shooting because Shelley wasn't there AFTER the shooting. Shelley left the front before Marrion Baker even reached the steps- HE SAW HIM DOING IT FROM A DISTANCE! And Shelley never returned to the front of the building. He went around to the back of the building to re-enter, and then he was in there a long, long time- until it was time to head for City Hall with the police. That means that at 12:35 or whatever exact minute Oswald left the building, Shelley was NOT outside, and Oswald could not have seen him then. He was out in front with Shelley DURING the passing of the motorcade, during the assassination. 

No, Oswald didn't lie. Oswald was innocent, so he had no need to lie. However he left the premises and got transported elsewhere, it wasn't a crime. From a legal point of view, it didn't matter. What difference does it make if you take a bus and cab, or if a friend gives you a lift? Why would Oswald lie to police about that when he hadn't shot anybody? Not Kennedy, not Tippit, not anybody. 

And you're not keeping up, bpete. The people who are claiming that the bus/cab story is false are saying that the Dallas Police lied are your friends like Backass. You hear me? Your stupid buddy, Backass is doing it. He doesn't say that Oswald made it up. He says the police made it up. And he says that they "manipulated" the various witnesses to say exactly what was needed. Manipulated? MANIPULATED? Man o Man, I sure wish he would give us the run-down on exactly what the hell he means by that, exactly how that process went down. But alas: he considers "manipulated" self-explanatory. 

But according to Backes, the Dallas Police and possibly "other law enforcement" made up the story. You see, they didn't have enough to do that day. They felt that. late in the afternoon, that creating a totally fabricated and elaborate story called "The Odyssey of Lee Harvey Oswald" was just what was needed. And they got a whole bunch of people involved in it, including policemen, detectives, and phony witnesses.

You know, it was a big decision to go down that road. So, I wonder who made it. Who actually started the ball rolling?

"Hey, what we really should do is concoct a story that Oswald took the bus and cab. We can come up with a phony bus driver, a phony cabbie, and then some phony witnesses. How hard is that? And what could possibly go wrong? Who's with me?

So, who do you figure that was, bpete? You don't know? Well, I'm sure Joseph Backes is paying attention, so who do you think it was, Backass? You must have some idea.   

But, the real kicker here is that they actually got Oswald to participate in the lie because Fritz wrote down that Oswald told him that he took the bus and cab. He even told him the cab fare.

This wasn't for show because those notes were not going to be shown. Their very existence was never going to be admitted. They didn't get exposed until 10 years after Fritz was smoldering in the ground. So, it's ridiculous to think that he was writing lies to himself about Oswald told him.   

Are you needing any context for that, bpete? Because I know that's a problem for you; you're no good at figuring out context.

But, look how bpete tries to play both sides. He says that if what Roger Craig said is true - meaning if the Lee Harvey Oswald we know, who is identified as "Harvey" by John Armstrong, got into the Nash Rambler- then it means this, that, and the other thing.   

Hey! If you want to discuss it, it starts with you stating what your position is on the Roger Craig controversy. You don't get to just fling challenges at both sides without stating your position.  Do you think Harvey got into the Nash Rambler as per Roger Craig or not?  Because if you are not going to commit to a position, it only means that you are a manipulative SOB who lacks any sincere interest in discerning the truth in the case. 

bpete says it is a clown idea that Oswald was wearing the same shirt. Well, I am gong to remind this plucking Scottish wee cock sparra that I dared him to analyze Richard's 50 points of light, and he refused. 

Many of those points refer to shirt matchups? How many does Richard have to be right about? A whole lot less than 50. 

But when bpete, who went from Wee Cock Sparra to Hot Wired, refused to do the analysis, I did it myself. And I mean point by point. And what I found was that Richard was right on at least 35 of the 50 points. I confirmed them. So, here is Richard's shirt collage, and what it means is that Oswald most definitely did NOT change his shirt.

And just for the record, I'll point out that the Warren Commission, the Dallas Police, and the FBI all concluded that Oswald did NOT change his shirt. 

We also have a statement from Marina Oswald Porter stating that that was Lee's shirt in the doorway, that she remembered seeing it, and that she remembered washing it. It certainly wasn't Lovelady's shirt.

That guy's shirt wasn't even sprawled open.  So, how could he be the Man in the Doorway a few minutes before? Plus, it had a flashy, geometric plaid pattern- with horizontal and vertical lines forming boxes, including double lines, white over black, and black over white, in an alternating pattern, and all of that missing from Doorman's shirt. 

MacRae is just staying up too late. He's confused. I am not the one who says that witnesses were intimidated to tell false stories about the bus and cab ride. It's your buddy Backes who is doing that. Pay attention. Idiot.  

And that's right: Oswald was told to go to the Texas Theater to meet somebody. And guess who was there? Jack Ruby. That's right. One of the witnesses spotted him several rows behind Oswald, although that guy, George Applin, met an untimely death. 

Keep in mind, that Dipshit MacRae doesn't really believe the Roger Craig story. He's just arguing it for the sake of argument. He's just a lying, two-faced SOB who just argues cunningly not out of conviction, but out of sensed opportunity. And it's the way they train these Ops. The first thing they teach them is to confuse, complicate, and foster doubt. 

And if bpete wants to refute that, let him start by stating clearly what his position is on the Roger Craig story. Does bpete believe Roger Craig got it right- for Harvey- or not? But, he won't answer. All that yapping sparra does is dissemble; he has no position; he's just an agitator. 

But, note that Oswald was not only told to go to the Texas Theater, he was also told to go to the lunch room. And you know where that is stated? In Oliver Stone's movie JFK. Way to go, Ollie. 

And what a dirty rotten scoundrel! I and everybody else know very well that John Armstrong maintains that "Harvey" took the bus and cab, not "Lee". It was Harvey who went to Russia, came back with Marina, worked at the TSBD, got framed for the murders of JFK and Tippit, and took the bus and cab. 

You see what I mean about the freaking Gawd-damn wee cock sparra creating confusion where none exists? To dissemble about that- "Harvey" and "Lee" and who was who- makes him the lowest scumbag to ever engage in disinfo about the Kennedy case. Holy Cow, he is disgusting! What a slimeball. Wee little piss-ant is what he is.

Yes, there was no time to coach Truly or Baker, but there was plenty of time to coach Lovelady. It took him months to come around. As late as April 1964, he tried to show Joseph Ball that he wasn't Doorman but rather Black Hole Man:

 There you have it: the tail of the arrow that Lovelady drew. It wasn't until a month after that that he started singing the tune they wanted to hear. 

You know, the interrogation was really quite simple: Ball wanted to know who Doorman was. So, why didn't he just point to Doorman and ask Lovelady: "Who is that?" 

You think about that real hard, bpete. 

Note: Armstrong says that "Harvey" took the bus and cab, while "Lee" got into the Nash Rambler, as per Roger Craig. 

That was crystal clear before- to everybody- including b-sparrowing pete.  But, he is all about scrambling and confusing, the rotten bum.  
I'm well aware that Armstrong has placed "Harvey" in the lunch room on the 2nd floor during the shooting. But you know what? I'm in touch with John Armstrong. That's right. There are very few people in the world who have his email, but I'm one of them. 

How did I get it? Nobody gave it to me. He wrote to me, after reading something I wrote about his work that he liked.  And you know what I expect to happen? That over time, he's going to come around and recognize that it was Oswald in the doorway. I might even be willing to bet on it, except that the "wee cock sparra" doesn't bet. And there's nothing blithe about him either. He's the exact opposite of blithe, evil b'sterd.   


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