Monday, January 13, 2014

bpete is now trying to deny that he said that Oswald went up to the 6th floor to "lock and load." I can tell you when you said it. You said it in reference to the idea that Oswald walked by the front door, where he saw Bill Shelley out front, "on his way up to the 6th floor to lock and load." That's what you said, Asshole. Those were your exact words, you fucking liar. 

And it doesn't matter how many Ops you get to say that Doorman's shirt is plaid. It clearly isn't plaid because in order to be plaid it has to have horizontal and vertical lines that cross forming boxes. There is not a single box on Doorman's shirt.

Left: not one box. Right: numerous boxes. 

So, get a thousand Ops to say that the shirt is plaid; I don't care. The more you get, the more ridiculous it looks since it is clearly not plaid. Get a whole throng to say it, and I'll broadcast it. Spread it far and wide.

We'll give the last word to Harold Weisberg: "The Altgens photo shows no check." And the intellectual and material heir of Harold Weisberg, Gerald McKnight, is a senior member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign. 

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