Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This is a photograph that Robert Oswald included in his book, Lee: A Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald. He claimed to take the picture himself in 1958.

Was the LHO we know ever as stocky as that? He was scrawny as a child, and he was scrawny at the end when we knew him. Was he that big in 1958?

Oswald was in Japan until November 1958. He returned by boat and then was on leave for 30 days before reporting to the air base in California. So, I am assuming he was on leave when this picture was taken in 1958.  

But, I think he is way too big to be the LHO we know. The best thing is to compare this guy to other known images of Oswald. The problem is that there are no pictures of him from Japan, and there are no pictures of him from his final stint in California. So, the best we can do is compare the above picture to images of Oswald in Russia. 

Note that he did not go by Lee or Harvey in Russia, but rather, as Alek.

I say the guy on the left was much stockier. 

There is also the issue of Oswald's height. We know he was 5'9". The New Orleans police measured him. They took a photo of him in front of a height ledger. So, why did Oswald's passport say 5'11"?

Much as been made of this photo of Lee and Marina in Russia in which he appears only a little taller than her. She was 5'3" and he was officially 5'11".

Excuses have been made that it was elevated where she was standing, but look: we know Oswald's height: he was 5'9". So, why did his passport say 5'11"? That happens to be the height of the other Oswald, says John Armstrong. 

Also, his passport photo was that of the other Oswald with the bull neck.

That definitely looks like Lee and not Harvey to me. 

They're different guys. I'll say it again. They're different guys. 

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