Thursday, January 16, 2014

The evidence for Oswald in the doorway really is overwhelming, and it's precisely because we have multiple confirmations: the man, the clothing, and the way in which the clothing is worn. 

We're seeing a great anatomical likeness in body type, build, facial features, length of the neck, and more. We are also seeing the same clothes in the loose-fitting outer shirt over the descending, notched white t-shirt. Then, there is also the fact that both shirts are markedly unbuttoned with a big, cavernous sprawl.  You have to take all those factors and multiple them together.

What was the chance of that much anatomical likeness? I ask especially in light of the fact that Oswald was 5'9" 131 pounds and Lovelady was 5'8" 170 pounds. The chances are extremely remote, but for the sake of argument, we'll say 1 in 10. What was the chance they would both be dressed in a loose-fitting outer shirt over a notched, descending white t-shirt? We'll say 1 in 10 again, though it is much lower. And the fact that we're seeing the severe unbuttoning and gaping sprawl, we'll assign that as 1 in 10 as well. 

So, you have 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 which equals 1/1000. So, if those numbers were correct, you'd have odds of 1/1000 of drawing that much likeness between two different men. But, when you get into a serious appraisal of the mathematics, the odds against him being someone other than Oswald are much worse than that. 

 Even 1 in 57,600 is very conservative. It is over-the-top Oswald in the doorway, and it is lunacy to deny it. 

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