Saturday, May 3, 2014

Backes and bpete seem to be under the delusion that all the walkie-talkies in the world were toys. I wonder how many more images I'll have to post to convince them that there were real walkie-talkies, widely used in the military from WW2 onward. Here's the BC-611.

Just because there were also toy ones doesn't make the real ones non-existent.

But, Backes added this about bpete:

Now, think about the fact Backes professes to be a CT. He has spoken on Black Op radio advocating conspiracy- a government conspiracy. So, why is he saluting a guy who says that Oswald "locked and loaded" from the 6th floor? And why is he calling him, "Sir"?

bpete avoids laying out his exact theory of the crime, but he has Oswald "locking and loading" on the 6th floor and "pumping rounds into Kennedy" and that tells us about all we need to know. It seems that bpete is open to the idea that there may have been another shooter on the Grassy Knoll who missed, which is the HSCA position, and it also happens to be the position of Duncan MacRae- fancy that. And, it is also the position of others who are in this British clique of Ops, such as Steve Haydon. It's a way of barely dipping their toes into conspiracy waters, and that way no one can brand them as lonenutters. Very clever. 

But to me: LN= HSCA CT. There isn't a dime's worth of difference between them. 

But, Joseph Backes is supposedly NOT a HSCA CT. He is supposedly an Oswald-innocent CT. So, what's he doing addressing bpete as Sir and saluting him? What he is doing is betraying the cause he claims to believe in. 

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