Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My point, bpete, is that if the woman were holding the girl with her left hand, she would have had to get her hand underneath the lowest part of the girl, and I put an x where that is, and I doubt that the woman's arm was long enough to do it.  She certainly would have had to extend her elbow, as I am doing, and how could ANYBODY hold a child in the palm of their hand?  

Then, bpete returns to quoting me from my distant past, citing statements which I have long since disavowed. But, I guess to bpete, every utterance is forever. Notice the date, which I have underlined.

I have said repeatedly that we did not come to the realization that Gorilla Man was NOT Lovelady until the Spring of 2012. 

I have said repeatedly that we did not come to the realization that Gorilla Man was NOT Lovelady until the Spring of 2012. 

I have said repeatedly that we did not come to the realization that Gorilla Man was NOT Lovelady until the Spring of 2012. 

All this establishes is that, I, at first, and like everybody else, was fooled by the ruse. The mind just doesn't go there that they would actually use an impostor to represent Lovelady. But, that is what they did. 

And it is also true that at the time I wasn't well versed in Lovelady's testimony, that he related how he left the doorway right away, BEFORE BAKER EVEN REACHED THE STEPS, which he saw from a distance. He even specified the distance.

Mr. BALL - By the time you left the steps had Mr. Truly entered the building?
Mr. LOVELADY - As we left the steps I would say we were at least 15. maybe 25. steps away from the building. I looked back and I saw him and the policeman running into the building.
Mr. BALL - How many steps?
Mr. LOVELADY - Twenty, 25.
Mr. BALL - Steps away and you looked back and saw him enter the building?
Mr. LOVELADY - Yes. 

So, he was 20 to 25 steps away when he turned around and saw Baker climbing the steps. Well, that was well before they had a police checkpoint set up at the front door. And after that he kept going. He kept going all the way to the first railroad track. And then, coming back, he went around to the back door and NEVER returned to the front. Therefore, this guy cannot possibly be Lovelady.

Then, there is the simple fact that these two are not the same man:

Look at all the differences:

The shapes of the heads don't match, nor do the noses, the ears, or the necks. And that does not exhaust the differences. These two were not only not the same man; they weren't even related. 

So, I didn't figure it out by February 2012, but I did shortly afterwards. I was on the cusp of it. So, I have been aware of the truth for over two years, and I have been spreading the truth ever since. And so is this little guy. And you, bpete, just crashed and burned on your "outlying US island" of Great Britain. 

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