Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Remember that Betzner was looking through his viewfinder; he knew what he was capturing. Why would he be content to butcher that car? The car was an entity, a unit. Considering how far away he was from it, he had no problem capturing the whole car. Aesthetically, it would have been 10X better to capture the whole car. It would have been much easier on the eyes and on the mind. Butchering the car like that screams that something is wrong, that it is only a partial picture, and Betzner would have heard that scream, and instinctively, he would have adjusted what he was doing. But, he didn't do that. The rat-bastards who killed Kennedy did it. They cropped that picture, and they cropped it to remove the doorway. And, they were determined to hide any hint of a doorway, any gist of a doorway, any transition to a doorway, and they were willing to butcher the car in order to do that. They didn't even want us to see the white columns because that would have reminded us that there was a doorway coming. So, they clipped the front of the car instead. How pathetic. And now, 50 years later, their evil handiwork is coming back to haunt them. They knew what they were doing; they saw Oswald in the doorway, and they got rid of the whole doorway. And they are as guilty of murder as the men who pulled the triggers on Kennedy.   

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