Saturday, July 26, 2014

Was Ike Altgens murdered? I suspect he was. Why should a rich guy living in a posh part of Dallas develop a faulty furnace that emitted carbon monoxide? If that could happen to happen him, then why does anybody who has gas heat at home feel safe? Gas heat is the most widely used kind of heat in the United States. 

We know that people have been murdered by tampering with gas appliances to cause them to leak carbon monoxide. Dr. Mark Wangler, an anesthesiologist from Ohio, was convicted of murdering his wife that way. They said he tampered with the gas water heater in the house to cause it to emit carbon monoxide. But, in his bedroom, he kept the windows open and the fan on. Apparently, they didn't sleep together. You can read about it here:

Am I saying the same thing happened to Ike Altgens? I am saying that it is the most likely possibility. 

They didn't mention anything about carbon monoxide there, but later they did. But that was it. A "faulty furnace" released carbon monoxide, and they died. Period. 

Tell me: if your loved ones died that way, wouldn't you be dead-set on getting to the bottom of it? What exactly happened? Why did it happen? Who was responsible? You know that Ike Altgens wasn't going around to inspect and service his own furnace. There had to be a professional service company doing it. My house is all-electric, but still, a service company comes out twice a year, in the Fall and in the Spring, to inspect and service the unit. You know damn-well that Ike had the same or similar arrangement. 

What's eerie is the way they tried to depict their deaths, starting with the idea that they died of illness and old age, but then with a little carbon monoxide thrown in- just for good measure. 

Well, a 73 year old and 76 year old dying at the same time of illness and old age just doesn't cut it. Forget about it, Backass. 

And the carbon monoxide? They never followed up on it! We learned a lot more about what happened with the anesthesiologist and his wife than we learned about the Altgens. We really didn't learn anything about the Altgens'- just a vague reference to a "faulty furnace."

I strongly suspect the Altgens were murdered, and don't be surprised. Weren't people murdered during the Warren Commission investigation? Weren't people murdered during the HSCA investigation? So, why shouldn't there have been some murders during the ARRB? You think they quit killing by then? Think again.  


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