Friday, September 19, 2014

Do you recognize this?

It's the Foley beheading, right? Actually no. It's a Turkish tv show that was broadcast in February of this year. 

Here is the link to it on youtube. It occurs at the 33 second mark.

And here is the Foley beheading:

So, what are we dealing with here? Is it a case of life imitating art? That is, is the likeness just a coincidence? 

I think I've made my position on coincidences crystal clear. So, if it's not a coincidence, then it means somebody must have watched the Turkish program in February and used it as a model to set up the Foley beheading. But who? 

Would ISIS have done that? But, that doesn't make sense. They were, supposedly, really beheading the guy, which is, apparently, something they do and have done. So, why would they need help to dramatize it? They weren't actors, and they weren't acting; so why would they look to actors? Why would their minds even go there? 

"Yeah, we're going to kill this guy and teach the infidels a lesson. We just have to find a tv show to show us how to do it." 

But, if someone who had never conducted a real beheading was going to fake one, then he might think that he needed help to make it look good, to make the best impression. If the whole thing was theater why not look to theater for some guidance? That makes sense. If something came out good you go with it. Why reinvent the wheel? 

But, didn't they know that the Turkish tv show was bound to show up on Youtube eventually?  They had to know it was possible, but they probably figured that few Americans would see it even if it did appear. As of now, only 11,000 people have seen it, which is practically nothing. 

Another thing that has always bothered me is why Foley was so calm and composed and stable. He had to know that that that guy in the hood standing next to him with a knife was going to behead him. How would you be act in that situation? Would you go along or would you struggle? I would struggle-- with every last ounce of strength I had- even if I thought it was hopeless. I'd go down fighting. I'd rather die that way. So, how come Foley never resisted? He looked like a big solid guy. Why did he just kneel there and cooperate, reciting what they told him to say, and then calmly let the guy start cutting his head off as if he were a dentist working on his teeth?

Foley didn't even flinch, and his reflexes alone would have caused him to do that.

We saw no blood at all during the cutting of his neck. But, you've got the carotid arteries there on both sides. They are big arteries and under high pressure. They wouldn't just bleed; they would spurt blood. 

I strongly believe that the Foley beheading video is fake.  

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