Sunday, January 5, 2014

So, what can we make of this weird sequencing of frames where they are directionally opposite? Why should the frame on the right with its focus leftward follow the frame on the left with its focus rightward? What does one have to do with the other?

The answer is nothing. All we can say for sure is that the entire walk-by footage is a hacking and splicing together of frames that have been patched together in numerous different ways. We should not make the assumption of continuity or even chronological order. 

Fundamentally, there are two separate and distinct versions: the one with the Embedded Lovelady, and the one with the muscular DeNiro Lovelady, who was later slimmed down via aspect ratio adjustment.

But, besides slimming him down, they also shortened and speeded up the clip. Originally, it was long, like 11 seconds. But they ended up shortening it to about 3. They decided that shorter is better where you barely get a glimpse of him. It's just a split-second. The whole thing flies by. 

And there is a version in which they combined portions of the original Embedded version and the DeNiro version, where they sequenced them together to make it look like it was all just one big happy clip that got edited. No harm, no foul. But, because of the great disparity between the Loveladys, they also had to blur it up in order to sell it. So, they sped it up, and they blurred it up in order to make it go down. 

Did you catch the bait and switch? You get a quick glimpse, and I mean a split-second, of DeNiro Lovelady slimmed down; then the big linebacker cop gets in the way and covers the screen, and when he steps aside, wahlah, it starts with the Embedded Lovelady, who was a different man. It's a classic bait and switch.

So, this starts with the DeNiro version and then seques into the Embedded version with the big broad-shouldered cop serving as the curtain for the scene change. Notice how brief the view of DeNiro is. It's just a small fraction of a second. But, you can see that they used the slimmed down version of him, and they also blurred the hell out of him. They had to do that because they couldn't go from the big muscular buff guy with the Herculean arm to the scrawny guy and sell it as one guy. 

This is a patchwork; a quilt. They have it sewn and spliced together, but it's all a big lie. There were two distinct separate versions which had nothing to do with each other. Since that alone screams fraud, they had to come up with a composite version to tie it all together, to make it look like one. 

This is such bull shit, and every bit of it is made up. There never was a walk-by. Lovelady was never there in that room. He told us so himself, that he never saw Oswald again that day after they broke for lunch. It is a complete fabrication. This is like a Nazi propaganda movie, except that it happened in the good old USA.  

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