Saturday, June 14, 2014

Backes, it wasn't long ago that you were denying that the guy was anywhere near the Obelisk:

That isn't even in contention any more, so it shows how much you know. Everybody agrees that he was there. 

And you don't know anything about parallax either. From Altgens position, that guy in front of the monument would appear to be right where he is. 

Let's superimpose it over Altgens' field of sight very concisely:

I drew the Obelisk in more boldly. Why shouldn't Altgens see "O" standing right there where he is and recognize him there? Why should there be an optical illusion? 

You seem to have joined the others now in claiming that he was standing next to the Obelisk (exactly as seen in Towner) but he appears to be in front of the facade in Altgens because of parallax. 

Consider this: You people claim that the Altgens Woman and Boy and Fedora Man correspond to the Towner Woman and Baby and Fedora Man, as shown below:

I have got the Fedora man circled whom you say corresponds to the one in Altgens. But look where the other one is? What direction is he compared to the circled one? I would say that he is somewhat west and somewhat south of him. So, he is southwest of him. But where is he in relation to him in the Altgens photo?

Assuming he is the same man, he is now north and east of him. 

So, why would his perspective change in relation to the other Fedora Man? In other words, why would he pop up on the other side of him? I'll tell you why. It is because he is a different man. 

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