Wednesday, July 9, 2014

If you have any doubt about what I'm saying, that they put this guy, the second Wiegman Doorman, into the Wiegman film, I think I can convince you. That is, I can convince you if you are an Oswald defender, and if you know that it was Oswald in the doorway.

Those that aren't just talk amongst yourselves.

OK, so here is the proof: You know that Oswald was Doorman, but this guy wasn't Oswald. Oswald didn't have a round head; his head was rectangular and jutting. Oswald didn't have a short neck like this guy; he had a long neck. Oswald's face was angular and even a little bit gaunt, not chubby and cherubic like this guy. And, Oswald's open sprawl was triangular shaped, not r-shaped like this guy's.  Whoever this guy was, he wasn't Oswald. But, Oswald was the only Doorman there was. Oswald was in the Altgens doorway, and the Wiegman doorway was the same doorway. And, it was the exact same time.  So, there can't be any other Doorman but Oswald. 

It's easy to figure out what they did if you watch the Wiegman film. At the beginning you see the real Doorman who was Oswald, and he looks like Oswald: slender, angular, gaunt, etc. Then, Weigman directs his camera straight ahead down Elm. Then suddenly, Wiegman swings around to his right and does a second pan of the doorway. Why? Either he heard something or he caught something in the corner of his eye, some commotion. And so, he swung around. And when he got back to the doorway, I don't know what he saw, but I know what we see. And what we see is this guy, the 2nd Wiegman Doorman, standing there looking straight ahead and stiff as a Cigar Store Indian. 

He is fake! They put him in there. Oswald had already left. This was Oswald:

That is the 1st Wiegman Doorman, and he is Oswald! He is totally consistent with Oswald. There are no disconnects. But, the 2nd Wiegman Doorman was a different man. 

Do you know how long the 2nd Wiegman Doorman can be seen in the Wiegman film? If I said a fraction of a second it would be an exaggeration. Played at normal speed, it's more like a flash. In fact, I have to wonder if Wiegman could have moved his camera that fast. They may have removed frames to speed it up. They didn't want us to get a good look at him.

Here's the Wiegman film. You see the 1st Doorman for 1 full second at the beginning. The 2nd Doorman appears for just a split-second at the 4 second mark.

So, if you know that Oswald was Doorman and you can see that this guy wasn't Oswald, then you know beyond any doubt that this guy was not there. They stuck him into the film. 

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