Monday, July 7, 2014

Some are mistakenly and viciously intimating that my retraction about the man at the Trade Mart is the first hole in the dike about every claim I make, including Oswald in the doorway. 

That is ridiculous. The certainty that it is Oswald in the doorway is 100%. It is as certain as any observational knowledge that anybody has about anything. 

I am not saying that the Altgens Doorman could be Doorman or may be Doorman or is possibly Doorman. I'm not even saying that he is probably Doorman. I am saying that he is absolutely and positively Doorman, that he can't not be Doorman. 

In our universe- the one in which we are living- Oswald is Doorman. The evidence is simply overwhelming.

And I think it would be good at this time, in light of what happened, to do a quick review of that evidence. 

For expedience, I shall limit it to the direct evidence. 

It's important to remember that this is not a situation in which Doorman could be Oswald, but if he's not Oswald, he could be anybody. If Doorman isn't Oswald, he could only be one other person on Earth: Billy Lovelady. Therefore, he is proven to be Oswald just by proving that he isn't Lovelady.  And there are lots of ways to do that. 

But, I want you to realize that even without that advantage, even if it was not a default situation, which it is, there is no doubt whatsoever that it's Oswald. That's because, alone, the photographic evidence clinches it. The comparisons of Oswald and Doorman are a slam-dunk that it's him. It goes way beyond the threshold of certainty. 

So, let's do a brief rundown of it, and again, these are only the direct correlations. 

1. Likeness of size, shape, and general build, including the presumptive heights and weights. 

People come in all shapes and sizes, but we definitely get the sense of them being the same height and weight and with a slender build. Lovelady wasn't slender at all at the time. He was husky, and Buell Frazier said so. The FBI found Lovelady to be 5'8" 170; Oswald was 5'9" 131. So, Doorman's physicality goes to Oswald.  

2. Shape and angularity of the face matches.

I am listing the face separately because sometimes there is a disconnect between the two. But, here you see the slender face which is more angular than round. It's an exact match.

3. Now getting down to individual facial features, we'll start with the ears, and the right ears match perfectly: the size, shape, and the pitch. 

Remember that ears are as distinctive as finger-prints, and Lovelady's ears were very different. 

4. The square chins are a spot-on match.

Lovelady's chin was longer, more oval, and also more pointed. 

5. The pursed lips are a spot-on match. 

Note that in almost all of his pictures, Oswald's lips are pursed. He was very habituated to doing it. 

6. The noses are a spot-on match. Oswald had more flared nostrils than Lovelady. Oswald's nostrils were longer and more visible. 

That is an excellent correlation. Compare the right nostrils. 

7. The eyes are Oswald's as evidenced by the close proximity of the eyes and eyebrows. Lovelady had much more space between the two. 

 Of course, you have to ignore the swollen eye on the right since it wasn't that way in the doorway. The depth of the eyes, the spacing of the eyes, and the shape of the eyes match well between the two. 

8. The length of the neck is the same on both. 

We get the exact same impression of neck length on both, and it's a longer neck than most. 

9. This next one is very big: the stance. Both are clasping their hands in front of their bodies. 

I realize that we can't see Doorman's right arm, and there's a reason for it: they stuck that phony Roy Lewis image in there. But, if you drop a plumb line down from Doorman's chin, you see that his wrist is at the mid-point of his body. He wouldn't hold it there for no reason. That would get very tiring and very uncomfortable very fast. He MUST be resting his hand on something, and the only thing it can be is his other hand. We have MANY pictures of Oswald standing that way, including at the last moment of his conscious life when Jack Ruby shot him. 

Now, we will move on to the matches of clothing, and you should realize that it is a totally separate thing. Obviously, a man is separate from his clothing, and we can use the clothing as a CONFIRMATION of the matching physical attributes. 

10. The right collars are a spot-on match. And this, by the way, is the observation that fired me up and got me started making videos.

11. The left lapel is apparent on both. We can't see Doorman's left collar because of the implantation of Black Tie Man, but we can see the effect of the folding over- the doubling of the material which makes it twice as thick as the other side. 

Do you notice how the edge of Doorman's shirt on his right/our left is thinner and sharper? On the other side, the edge looks thicker and more blunt, and that's because it is folded over into a lapel. 

12. The shirt sprawl is the same on both. 

That is the same shirt lying the exact same way. Do you think Lovelady was decked out like that? It's ridiculous. 

13. There is the same descending, notched, vee-ish t-shirt on both. 

Of course, it wasn't a store-bought v-neck t-shirt. The vee was homemade from Oswald tugging on it- a habit he had. The degree to which the vee manifested fluctuated, depending on whether Oswald's t-shirt was pulled down in front or in back, but we have many images in which the vee can be seen. There is no chance that Lovelady's t-shirt was ever like that. 

14. The shirt patterns are the same on both, which you can readily see when you remove the haze, distortion, and light reflection from Doorman's shirt. 

And regardless, there isn't a trace of plaid on Doorman's shirt. Plaid means horizontal and vertical lines crossing and forming boxes or squares. There isn't a single box on Doorman's shirt. 

But again, the "pattern" we see on Doorman's shirt is really just haze, distortion, and light reflection. It is not plaid, and it is not anything that a shirt manufacturer would ever make or try to sell. 

15. And finally, the cuffs match very well. 

So, that is 15 correlations of the man and the clothing, some rather large and some rather small. I'll add that there are quite a few other correlations that are much smaller and finer, and these have been detailed by Richard Hooke. 

Keep in mind that Richard can afford to be wrong about a few of those, and it wouldn't matter one bit; it wouldn't change a thing. It is way, way, way over the top. 

The only non-correlation is the hairlines, which is an obvious fabrication. They gave Doorman Lovelady's hairline.

Here is how Doorman's hairline must have looked before they tampered with it:

The hairline is the ONLY Lovelady feature there is on Doorman, and it was falsified. The conspirators did the opposite of what they did with the Backyard photos. There, they moved Oswald's face over and left the chin of the original man. On Doorman, they started with Oswald's face, and they moved over the "cap" of the other man.

The totality of the photographic evidence is so overwhelming that there is NO CHANCE that Oswald was not Doorman. It is Oswald in the doorway like it is Christ on the Cross. And there is absolutely no way that that fact will ever be meaningfully challenged again.  

The bottom line is that the photographic evidence is overpowering that Oswald was the Altgens Doorman. And it is something that is NEVER going to be shaken or dislodged. 

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