Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The 37th Senior Member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign is Robert Allen Millegan who goes by "Kris". It's an interesting story how he got the nickname Kris, but I won't take the liberty of divulging it. 

Kris is a rare breed; he is an independent book publisher. But, he is rare even among independent book publishers because he publishes only politically incorrect books that mainstream publishers won't touch. The name of his company is Trine Day Publishing, and his website is And among his published titles are Me and Lee by Judyth Baker, LBJ and the Kennedy Killing by James Teague, and Dr Mary's Monkey by Edward Haslam.

I spoke to Kris today, and he told me that John Hankey, another of our senior members, is working on a book about the Bush connection to the JFK assassination, and that when it's finished, Kris will be publishing it, and he is very excited about it. He also said that he is going to attend our next OIC JFK Truth Conference, whenever that is. Kris, we welcome you to the Oswald Innocence Campaign. 

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