Saturday, September 21, 2013

Here is a very telling collage. On the left, you have Mark Lane Lovelady from the winter of 1964, and the on the right you have Dallas PD Lovelady from 11/22/63. So, it's supposed to be the same guy over a short period of time.

Lovelady on the left has much bigger ears. That man on the right has small ears.

Below, it is the same except that Mark Lane Lovelady is on the right.  He has got large ears, while the man on the left has small ears.

The ears make the call. Different ears mean different men. And those ears are vastly different.

And take a close look at that Lovelady at the PD. This is a good clear shot of him, and you can see that his right elbow is just floating in space. What's it resting on? Not the table, obviously. An arm rest? Why assume that when we can see no arm rest on the other side?

Hey, if there is no arm rest on the left, there can't be one on the right. Right? And his right arm can't be in his lap because it would be lower than his left which is propped up on the table.

So, what remains as a possibility? That he is suspending his right elbow in the air? No way Jose. Nobody would do that.

That guy was not there. His image was pasted there from wherever he was really sitting. And why exactly would a guy be sitting there in that crowded lane of traffic anyway? Talk about being in the way.

Well, he wasn't there; they just made it look like he was there, and I'll tell you why.  It was to sell the idea that Lovelady wore a long-sleeved plaid shirt- which he did not.  And even if he had, it would have done him no good because Doorman's shirt was not plaid. In no image of him does it look the least bit plaid.

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