Sunday, September 22, 2013

OK, now we get into the utter depth of the insanity.

Backes: Call it a baby, when it's not.

Cinque: You say it's not a baby but a child? Based on what?

Backes: Claim it doesn't have any arms when it does.

Cinque: Where do you see any arms distinguished? I don't assume it was armless, but I do insist that no arm or arms can be distinguished on this baby.

Backes: Claim that the baby's face can't be seen.  Even if true, so the fuck what?

Cinque: There is no face visible, and you know it's true. 

Backes: Claim that the Towner baby has no legs. Laughable crap.  The child is held up by its mother.  "It has no legs."  What kind of drugs are you on? Because you can't see every part of someone's anatomy in a photograph or film means they don't have an arm, or a leg, or a face? 

Cinque: Why would the legs not be visible? Where would they be to be out of sight? I'm talking about the parts of a person's anatomy that  I expect to be able to see. And if they don't have what I expect to see, then it's not that I question if they had them; I question the authenticity of the picture.

Backes:  And when will you comment on the Hitler moustache that the mother has? Can't you clearly see that?  It's just about the one thing you can "see" that your stupid ass hasn't commented on.  So, go on talk about the Hitler moustache the mother has.

Cinque: it's just a shadow, Backes.   

Cinque, the IDIOT: How come we don't we see her other arm going around the baby on top? What's preventing the Towner baby from toppling over? Don't you usually hold a baby with two arms?

Backes:   Cinque asks why we don't see the mother's arm going around the child. It has been explained to you over and over again.  It's not a baby, it's a child. 

Cinque: It's not a child; it's a baby.

Backes: It's held by the mother in one arm, and the other arm, her left is up in the air waving at JFK. 

Cinque: No, not in this frame:

How many times have I told you, Backes, that you can't read anything into an image? It shows what it shows. It is what it is. And in this frame, she is just holding that baby and not waving at anybody. 

Backes: Everyone else on earth can see and understand this, everyone except you, Cinque. 

Cinque, Look at it again, Backes, with a clear head this time. She isn't waving. Her left arm is coming down and she has it underneath the baby. Where is there a left arm up and waving at JFK? What drugs are you taking, Backes?

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