Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This I consider very important:

When you're faced with two different versions of an image, how do you decide which one is real and which one is fake?

There may be multiple criteria that you're going to go by, but a very meaningful one is: which one has more distortion? Generally, and perhaps always, the one with a greater amount of distortion is the altered one, and the one with the least amount of distortion is the real one.

And we can apply that criterion to the image from the Darnell film that bpete put forward:

So, let's apply the criterion: which of those two figures is more distorted?

Well, that is an easy question for me to answer as a chiropractor. That guy on the left is a freak. He has got a freakish angle between his neck and his spine. His back is leaning back extremely much, but his neck is jutting forward. But, the guy on the right has normal spinal alignment.

There is no doubt that the guy on the left is the distorted image, and the guy on the right is the real-life image.

So, where did bpete get that image on the left? Did he distort himself or did somebody distort it for him? And when was it distorted? How long has it been around? 

Bpete has been caught red-handed with a crude JFK fakery, and now he needs to account for it.     

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