Tuesday, September 10, 2013

To be expedient, I am just going to transfer this from Facebook, as is. Another reason is that I'm noticing that Blogger posts my images rather small, which sometimes obscures the details. So, I'll leave the links to the images, which are larger. I do think this is one of my best posts. The first part concerns Oswald innocence in general, and the second part trounces bpete concerning the false image of Roy Lewis in the Altgens photo. 

If you haven't done so, please bookmark this alternate page of mine on Blogger because I might jump to it in a permanent move at any time. So, if this page goes dark, that's where you'll find me. 


We are really living in a bizarro world because the evidence that Oswald was innocent is overwhelming. Even if we didn't have a photograph of him standing in the doorway during the shooting, there is a ton of other evidence exonerating him, and I mean over- the-top evidence.

For instance, the fact that he wasn't remotely qualified or capable of doing the shooting totally exonerates him. The fact that the rifle wasn't remotely capable of accomplishing the shooting- in anyone's hands- exonerates him. The fact that there were definitely more than 3 shots fired completely exonerates him because it's untenable that if there was a conspiracy that anyone would have chosen LHO to be a shooter. Based on what? Oswald was just an ex-Marine who did the minimal amount of required shooting and barely got through it. His final test score of 92 was only one point above the minimum to pass, and that was years before, and he'd done very little shooting since. Plus, he had absolutely no experience whatsoever had shooting at or killing human beings- notwithstanding the phony Walker story, which was made up for that very reason.

The fact that there is overwhelming evidence Kennedy was shot from the front completely exonerates Oswald too, again, because that means conspiracy ANY evidence of conspiracy has to exonerate Oswald. Nobody in his right mind would hire him or assign him to be a gun-toting assassin. And exactly why would he do someone else's killing anyway?

What's funny is that when you hear claims like Roger Stone's that LBJ got Nixon to get Ruby to get Oswald to kill Kennedy, there is never any mention of a motive for Oswald to go along with it. They don't suggest that any money changed hands; so Oswald wasn't paid. So, Oswald was supposedly a world-class assassin who worked for free.

And Oswald certainly didn't dislike Kennedy. He spoke very well of him to his wife, admiringly. He checked his book out of the library. He complemented his family, saying he had a nice family. No witness ever came forward saying that Oswald ever hated Kennedy or spoke badly of him. Why didn't they produce such a witness? That would have been easy enough to do. The reason is that the whole idea was the he was a LONER; he didn't talk to anybody about anything relating to this.

And that brings up the whole issue of the complete lack of a motive for Oswald to kill Kennedy. But think about this from a behavioral standpoint. When it comes to obsessions, compulsions and all kind of extreme behaviors, there is usually a progression involved; a progression that takes place over time. You don't just wake up one morning with the thought of killing the President. It's an idea that would have to grow on you for a while before you got anywhere close to doing it. And there's no reason to think the idea would have any chance to begin to grow unless you had some expectation of having an opportunity to kill the President.

At what point could Oswald have first begun to contemplate an opportunity to kill JFK? Supposedly, it was when he saw, in the Dallas newspaper, JFK's motorcade route. But that was only- theoretically, and I mean only theoretically- several days- at the most- before the 22nd. But, some papers published the wrong information about it, as the route was changed.

So, there is no evidence it actually happened. It's purely a speculation. And there is evidence against it having happened. Junior Jarmon reported that Oswald asked him on 11/22 why people were gathering on the sidewalk out front. Why would Oswald do that? So that he could claim dumb afterwards? I thought he was a ne'er-do-well looking for infamy?

But try to imagine it: he's reading the newspaper on his lunch break at the Depository, and he sees the motorcade route and realizes that the motorcade was to pass by the building, and he gets this brainstorm: “I know! I'll kill Kennedy!” Without the slightest preliminaries, his mind just turned on a dime and went to that. Without voicing the slightest disfavor with Kennedy previously, and having spoken well of the man repeatedly, Oswald just suddenly decides- on the spot- to kill him.

That isn't just evil; it is severe psycho-pathology to an extreme that is not just rarely seen, but is unheard of. There is no evidence that Oswald was that deranged, and it's hard to imagine that anybody was ever that deranged. The downward spiral doesn't spiral that fast for anybody. It takes time.

One thing they tried to do to remedy that was to create some preliminaries for Oswald. The attempt on Walker is an example, and it was a total fabrication. He denied it, and it's because he didn't do it .But, there's more! Supposedly, Oswald was going to kill Nixon too, and only because Marina locked him in the bathroom was that prevented. Except Nixon wasn't even in Dallas on the day that supposedly to have happened: LBJ was. But, there was never any mention of Oswald wanting to kill LBJ.

The whole notion of Oswald as madman is a complete fabrication. He was totally innocent even if he wasn't standing in the doorway- which he most certainly was.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now, moving on to bpete: In response to his latest feeble effort, I've said for some time that Roy Lewis was not visible to Altgens because of the parallax effect. And yes, there was a parallax effect involved, although bpete lacks the brains to see it.

Consider: Doorman looks like he is next to the west column. The west column appears to be cutting off his right shoulder, as if his right shoulder was tucked behind it. But, his right should was not tucked behind it. It was far away from it. That is the parallax effect, and that is what I am talking about.

Bpete showed images from my reenactment and said: “If the man in profile was out of view to Altgens, how were Ralph Cinque's stand-ins visible to his photographer?”

Bpete knows why. The Roy Lewis figures in my reenactment were visible BECAUSE I MADE THEM VISIBLE. At the time, I was trying to duplicate what I saw in Altgens. But, what I should have done is arrange the Roy Lewis figures according to what is seen in Wiegman, and had I done that, Roy Lewis would have disappeared.

The fact is that that light-bulb didn't go on inside my head about this until after the reenactment was completed, and don't worry, if I ever do it again, and I may, I'll definitely do it right.

But, I don't fault myself for missing it. I'm just glad that I finally figured it out. Better late than never.

I've explained this many times, and bpete knows it, but he deliberately omitted it. It was a deliberate act of deception on his part: of his own readers. He didn't tell them the truth. He just made it seem as though I was unable to get Roy Lewis to vanish though I tried. Well, that is not true. I didn't try. And he should have had the decency to air what actually happened instead of misleading his readers.

After laying out my position- that placing the Roy Lewis figure according to Wiegman was essential and would have made all the difference, even though I didn't do it- bpete then could have challenged it. That would have been OK. But, in leaving it out, he was lying to his readers and manipulating them.

The thing about lying is that you can never get away with it forever. That's why bpete is doomed, and it's why the official story is doomed.

Here is Roy Lewis in the Wiegman and in the Altgens: I want you to start by looking on the right side at the Altgens. I want you to notice that the southeastern edge of the white column comes down like a curtain, or you could say a razor.


You're seeing a line there, yes? That line is the southeastern edge of that cubic column. Everything behind that edge along that wall got cut out of Altgens' view by the parallax effect. In Wiegman, Roy Lewis was behind that southeastern edge along that wall.
And here's the proof: Notice that in Wiegman, you can see the inner face of the column. But, you can't see the inner face of the column in Altgens. And, Roy Lewis was right next to that inner face. You can't see it, and that means that you can't see him (for real) in the Altgens photo.

The west side of the doorway was obscured to Altgens- that being due to the parallax effect- and that obscuring reached all the way to Doorman, where part of his body (his right shoulder) was obscured. That is true EVEN THOUGH HE WAS IN THE CENTER OF THE DOORWAY. That means you have to draw a diagonal line from the middle of Doorman’s right shoulder to the southeastern edge of the west column. Look how it takes Roy Lewis out of the picture:


Now, I realize that a part of Roy Lewis does appear to cross into the visible area, but remember first that this is just an approximation, and second, he could have stuck out a little in the original photo and they could still have implanted that other image of his face over what was there. One could go over the other. After all, there was definitely something there before anyway, so if it was part of him, it didn't matter.

So, whether Roy Lewis was completely obscured to Altgens or just mostly obscured, it doesn't matter. Either way, they had the option of doing what they did.

But, you can see that if any part of Roy Lewis was going to stick out, it was going to be part of his forearm and maybe a little bit of his lower torso. His face was turned the other way and was deep within the exclusionary zone. And there was a large exclusionary zone. There is no doubt about that since it reached all the way over to Doorman. Just think, the entire span from Doorman's right shoulder to the west wall was excluded! That is a big exclusionary zone.

So, even on the basis of the admittedly rudimentary diagram, Roy Lewis was at least PREDOMINATELY taken out of Altgens' visual field. And if there was any small part of him visible to Altgens, it was definitely not his face, which was deep within the exclusionary zone.

Do you have any idea how close the Altgens photo was in time to the start of the Wiegman film? They were so close that there is debate about which came first. Here is a showing of the Wiegman in which the sponsor claims that Wiegman started shooting first, before Altgens snapped his shudder.


It doesn't matter if he is right or not. Regardless, the Altgens photo and the first frame of Wiegman were VERY close in time. They were so close that there is really no basis to assume any significant movement of the figures. And there is certainly no basis to assume any arbitrary movement. By arbitrary, I mean unsubstantiated by anything else.

For instance, if Roy Lewis had reported that he suddenly heard a sound coming from the east, it would at least provide a reason to suspect that he might have turned that way- even though he never said he did. But, there is nothing like that. And remember that we're not just talking about a head snap here; we're talking about the complete reorientation of his body.

We can see Roy Lewis over a 4 second time span in the Wiegman film, and he is consistently turned westward towards Kennedy and towards what he said was the source of the shots. He NEVER turned eastward, and there is no reason to think that he did so or would have. But, he was turned eastward later when he was walking down the steps, long after it was over.


He could have been looking at anything by then. Those are identical images of him. They recruited that image on the left and installed it on the right.

There is no rational basis to maintain that Roy Lewis was turned as he appears in the Altgens photo. I know that is what the photo shows, but the photograph was altered, and that issue is at stake. The point is that there is no CONFIRMATION of Roy Lewis being turned eastward from any OTHER source, and confirmation is what is needed. The idea that Altgens authenticity has to be assumed is preposterous because that is what we are debating. That is what is being charged, and it can't be dismissed without scrutiny. And that is not going to happen, mark my words, not on my watch; I’ll trounce every bpete in the world before that ever happens, believe you me.

Now, there is also the crucial point that if that image of Roy Lewis in the Altgens photo is legitimate, why do we see Doorman’s cuff going in front of Roy Lewis’ neck? And we’ll put aside Joseph Backes’ ridiculous contention that it’s not Doorman’s cuff but rather the rolled-up sleeve of another black man, who just happened to wear his sleeves like a tourniquet. Bpete doesn’t make that ridiculous argument, so we don’t have to deal with it here. But what bpete said next is just as bad:

“You can’t see what Lovelady’s cuff or the man in profile’s neck is doing because that area is blocked by the hair of the woman standing on the street. The compression or foreshortening caused by the lens used by Altgen, makes it appear that what looks like Lovelady’s arm is right behind the man in profile.”

That is vile, disgusting, and evil. Doorman’s cuff is going in front of Roy Lewis’ neck, and that is as clear as any photographic element in the entire photographic record of the JFK assassination.


Every single word that bpete said above is complete bull crap. Doorman’s cuff is in front of Roy Lewis’ neck, which is why we can’t see Roy Lewis’ neck.

And the impossibility of Doorman's cuff being where it appears to be in relation to Roy Lewis is PROOF that the photograph was altered. It can’t be real. so it must have been faked. That is true by default. They stuck Roy Lewis into that picture in two pieces: his face in profile above, and the weird shamrock-shaped torso below. That is what we are seeing.


You've got Roy Lewis face, Doorman cuff, and Roy Lewis torso in a stack, and that's a problem.

This next one demonstrates how the east face of the west column was invisible to Altgens.


Roy Lewis was snug-against that east face. It was out of view to Altgens, and so was he.

What's weird is that we shouldn't see Roy Lewis in the Altgens photo, but we should see these two other figures: Buell Frazier and the old wizened guy:


I put question marks on them. Notice that they are in Altgens visible zone. So, why don't we see them in the Altgens photo? And no, the wizened old man was not the petite young woman in Altgens.

Altgens was altered. Wiegman was altered. Zapruder was altered. Hughes was altered. Towner was altered. They altered every damn thing they could get their hands on.

Also, Bpete grossly misrepresents Doorman's location. Doorman was standing in the center of the doorway, as we clearly see in Wiegman.


Bpete's contention that Roy Lewis was turned to watch “the rest of the motorcade” is patently absurd. The man had heard gunfire! By the time of the Altgens photo, at least 3 shots had already been fired and perhaps more. And Roy Lewis identified the sounds as gunfire right away. He realized it was gun blasts, not firecrackers.

And why the heck would he give a damn about seeing the press car or the local dignitaries? That's all that was left. LBJ had already reached Roy Lewis. And even if he wanted to see the others, why did he have to turn eastward to see them? Couldn't he just wait for them to pass in front of him? Was he that eager about it? They were coming to him; he didn't have to turn to them at all. He could have taken it all in by just looking straight ahead. But, there is no reason to think he gave them the slightest thought, and that's because: HE HEARD GUNFIRE! And he heard it from the west!

Frankly, I don't think he would have had any interest in seeing them anyway, but under the circumstances, he definitely didn't.

As you can see below, every single person in the Wiegman frame is focused westward, except for Doorman- whom Joseph Backes says was retreating within himself to begin mourning the loss of Kennedy- and one other man.


Look at the poignancy! Do you think at that moment, Roy Lewis was concerned about seeing local dignitaries and press people?

The fact is that there is nothing that CONFIRMS the very suspicious direction that Roy Lewis is facing in the Altgens photo. There is no other source that shows it. There is no testimony that supports it. And that idea that we are going to accept it simply on the basis of automatically granting authenticity to the Altgens photo- forget about it. It's never going to happen, not on my watch, and I'll trounce a thousand bpetes if necessary; it's no problem.

Bpete is mistaken about Doorman's position too. He was in the very center of the doorway, as we can see in Wiegman.


We can also see it in Cinque because the only way I could get my right shoulder properly obscured like Dootman's was to stand in the center.


In fact, if anything, I was still a little too far westward since my shoulder is cut off a little more than his was. But, it's close. There is a lot of leverage involved; every inch makes a big difference.

There was a long way between Doorman and Roy Lewis and in three planes: Doorman was a great deal east of him; he was well above him, and he was way in back of him. And that's why the whole idea of his cuff being in front of and obscuring Roy Lewis' neck is ridiculous. Even Joseph Backes admits that he'd have to have 10 foot arms to do it.

And there is no reason to assume any moving around by Roy Lewis. Forget it, bpete. There are no grounds for it.

Another untruth of bpete's is the implication that JFK's limo was out of view to Roy Lewis and the others in the doorway. Nonsense! There was a straight visual line from Doorman to the limo and on to Altgens. That's why Doorman appears to be looking at Altgens. It was so easy for Doorman to see JFK's limo that all he had to do was turn ever so slightly to his right. And I'm saying that as one who has stood on that landing and done it.

Here are the bullet-points for Roy Lewis being an alteration in the Altgens photo, all effectively unchallenged by bpete:

1 the utterly impossible relationship between Roy Lewis and Doorman, with Doorman's cuff being in front of Roy Lewis' neck

2 the complete reversal of Roy Lewis' bodily position and direction between Wiegman and Altgens, lacking both the time for him to do it and any reason for him to do it

3 the total lack of any confirmation of the above reversal in terms of other imagery or from testimony

4 the west side of the doorway was largely obscured to Altgens, and Roy Lewis was behind the west column, which means that Roy Lewis was either totally or mostly cut off from Altgens view; and if ANY part of Roy Lewis was visible to Altgens, it was certainly not his face, which was deep within the exclusionary zone.

5 the shamrock-shaped configuration below Doorman's cuff is supposed to be the torso of Roy Lewis but it lacks all realism. Why don't we see Roy Lewis' left shoulder and arm?

All of the above are just as rock-solid now as before bpete began his rant; he hasn't made a dent in any of it. He hasn't dislodged a single thing. What we see of Roy Lewis in the Altgens photo cannot possibly be real. As for why they put him in there, we can only speculate about it, but we don't have to come up with an answer. The WHY isn't our responsibility. It's the WHAT that matters, and we have established WHAT they did; they inserted Roy Lewis into the photograph from another image, just as they inserted Black Tie Man into the photograph, both of whom are looking and facing inexplicably and weirdly eastward at such a crucial and staggering time when all focus was to the west.

Chalk up another failure for bpete because every single anomaly, including this one, has b-beaten him up and badly. I don't have to change a thing on the Anomalies page because of what bpete wrote. He's just a minor annoyance, and this is just pest control.

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