Saturday, October 8, 2016

Do you think Bookhout really had his eyes closed at this moment? It looks like he does. Doesn't it? 

And it doesn't it seem like his eyebrow is in the wrong place? Let's blow it up:

So his eye is closed, and his eyebrow (that darkness) is over next to it instead of above it? Or is that something else, and it's just that he had no eyebrows?

It's just a bunch of crap. Look at his ear. Look at his hairline. It's all just a crock o' shit as they tried to hide the identity of James Bookhout because he is the one who shot Oswald. They just churn out this photographic fakery again and again and again. It's just endless. I doubt we are ever going to uncover all the photographic fakery they did. 

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