Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I am very pleased to provide a guest post by Stephen Requa, who is an OIC Senior Member. It concerns the very first political assassination of the 20th century, the murder of Jane Stanford. RC

The Jane Stanford Murder Timeline 1905 - 1913

The Story that Cannot be Ignored or Suppressed - Its Mushroom Cloud is Dead Ahead

by Stephen Requa

Few Americans are aware that Jane Stanford - one of the founders of Stanford University - was assassinated by strychnine poisoning in Hawaii in 1905. Yes! That's incontrovertible now, thanks to the 2000-2004 research by former Stanford Medical School Dean, the late Dr. Robert W.P. Cutler. Jane Stanford was assassinated in an operation involving long-term covert "U.S." forces that were stationed on the Stanford University campus courtesy of then President Theodore Roosevelt and John D. Rockefeller. 

So transpired the first U.S. political assassination of the 20th century. Some today would call it, as they do the JFK assassination, a "national security operation." Indeed those Ops of 1905 and 1963 had much of the same rationale by many of the same "interests" -- i.e. by the bankers.

Historically, the 1905-1913 period was/is of the utmost importance. The timeline of Jane Stanford's murder in 1905 to the 1913 signing of the Federal Reserve Act had a straight-line connection, and it really comprised one big crime starting with Jane Stanford's murder. And the person enlisted to perform the probate fraud on Jane Stanford, Whitelaw Reid, immediately received his pay-off: being appointed right then, in the midst of his probate fraud and murder cover-up, to be the U.S. Ambassador to the U.K. It was the grandest of bribes that TR Roosevelt could bestow upon him. And it served another purpose: so he could go liaise with Rothschild for Rockefeller to come up with the Federal Reserve Act.

The bribes that were involved in the passage of the Federal Reserve Act were funneled through a eugenics organization, the Eugenics Record Office, that was organized by Stanford President David Starr Jordan with other eugenics organizations also associated with Theodore Roosevelt. Organizing these by Jordan at Stanford had depended on Jane Stanford being murdered. "Eugenics" was the master race program which involved fostering higher reproduction rates among those with "desired traits" and reduced reproduction among those with "undesired traits" which lead ultimately to forced sterilization. In the US, over 60,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized, but millions were targeted. And it's fair to say that Nazi Eugenics was imported lock, stock, and barrel from the United States. Indeed, it was U.S. elites who conceived the idea of creating a master Aryan race, and they passed it along to the Nazis. But, Jane Stanford was adamantly opposed to it, and no one worked harder to stop it. But, she was fighting very powerful people like John Rockefeller and Theodore Roosevelt who had no difficulty justifying killing her.  

In 1912/1913 Rockefeller was thus able to bribe Theodore Roosevelt with $100 million that he first laundered through the Eugenics Record Office that had been established by Jordan and Theodore Roosevelt after they had murdered Jane Stanford. Its other main purpose was to establish forced sterilization laws, ultimately in 27 states. That $100 million bribe to TR (and think about what it was worth in 2014 dollars) was for him to run as a Bull Moose Candidate in 1912 so as to split the conservative vote with Robert Taft and thereby insure Woodrow Wilson's election. They had an understanding with Wilson- a guarantee from him really- that he would not veto the upcoming Federal Reserve Act, as Robert Taft had sworn to do- come hell or high water.   

But, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, John D. Rockefeller no longer needed eugenics fronts to launder and cover up his bribes and political pay-offs for his major crimes, including murders. He could just create all the bribes he wanted, without a trace, with bribes as large as he wanted, simply by printing Federal Reserve Notes. Thus, there has never been an audit of the "Fed" from 1913 to the present day -- allowing it to get away with financing murders (like all the 1960's assassinations) and allowing it to finance wars, including World War I (which the US never could have entered without Fed money-printing) which then gave us World War II (which was really just a continuation of WWI after a 20 year ceasefire), and it was all based on the money that Rockefeller and his crony money-men created out of thin air. Some of that money was channeled into the building up of Adolf Hitler.

The bottom line is that the people- that is, the bankers with their incessant need to finance and profit from war- who gave us all the genocide of the 20th century and then started the 21st century off with 9/11- got their start with Rockefeller's and Roosevelt's murder of Jane Stanford in 1905. She was the first domino to fall. 

An accurate take on the history of the 20th century requires an understanding of how, why, and by whom Jane Stanford was murdered. Again: her death was the first U.S. political assassination of the 20th century. 

But, it is much more important than for just understanding the past. Our present world- in the second decade of the 21st century- is still being affected and driven by the  murder of Jane Stanford in 1905.  

Understanding all the major criminal underpinnings and crimes against humanity of the 20th Century thus requires understanding the 1905-1913 timeline surrounding the Jane Stanford murder and the founding of the Federal Reserve. It is nightmarish to think about what followed. They forced-sterilized 60,000 Americans. They wanted to do it to many more- millions- but that is as far as they got. They financed both sides in World War I and World War II, and the bankers were the real winners. And, they have bankrupted countries all over the world and impoverished millions and billions of people. They have assassinated presidents and political leaders the world over to accomplish their aims. Look what happened in Iran, Guatemala, Chile, the Dominican Republic, and many other places. Look what is happening in Ukraine right now.  

What the 1905 - 1913 timeline gives us, what it gives all Americans, is the chance and the rationale to eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank. Proclaiming the truth that the Federal Reserve Act was based on an 8 year timeline of murder, bribery, fraud, and election-rigging (all by the same people who worked for John D. Rockefeller) does one very great public service: to expose that the Federal Reserve Bank is not a legal institution. It was established by banking criminals over an 8 year period who were all working for or associated with John D. Rockefeller. 

At its core, the Federal Reserve Bank Act was never legally enacted. It is not a legally valid bank or institution right now. It is a criminal one that must be eliminated. 38 states have called for a Constitutional Convention, which you can read about here:

The top priority and highest responsibility of this Constitutional Convention should be the elimination of the Federal Reserve. 

To be sure,  those who are fed up with assassinations, wars, false-flag attacks,  and the many ongoing crimes against humanity must join forces to end the Fed. 

We must end the Fed! And let us also obtain justice for Jane Stanford. 

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