Monday, August 18, 2014

Why would they have a coat rack with a clock on it in a police squad room? And why would they have a clock that is so big? It's huge. And it was a small room. What did they need it for? Who would have ordered such a thing? Whose idea was it? "I know! What we need in here is a coat rack with a clock on it."

It was a police department. They wouldn't have had shit like that there. 

What it was about was them selling the idea that it was 2:00. You see, they took disparate clips of Oswald being led around the Dallas PD and strung them together to make them seem like continuous footage. They did that a lot. And it can't be denied. Joseph Backes has been forced to admit it, and so has David Von Pein. In this case, they were trying to make it look like this squad room scene was continuous with Oswald's arrival at City Hall, which happened a few minutes before 2:00. So, theoretically, he would have reached the squad room at 2:00. And remember how he looked when he arrived, with his shirt hanging half off of him.

So, they had to be consistent with that to make it look continuous with that, even though it was much later that Oswald was in the squad room, and they already had confiscated his shirt. So, what did they do to make it work in the movie? They painted his shirt on. 

Look at it closely. That is not a shirt. It is brown stuff they photoshopped on. That's not Oswald's arm. If it were, it would be dislocated, and he would be in howling pain. 

I marked his arm below:

Oswald would be a freak if he could do that. His elbow is way too long and is arm is way too long. The bend in his elbow is way too sharp and too twisted. And it's not a shirt; it's just painted-on color. Oswald was just in his t-shirt then, and they were trying to make it consistent with the clip that came earlier. It isn't real. You can see very plainly in the photo below that Oswald's arm was not twisted around his back. 

If Oswald's forearm were crossing his back, he'd be in pain. So, how did he wind up like this?

 It's bull shit. Pure unadulterated bull shit. FAKE! FAKE! FAKE!

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