Friday, August 15, 2014

OIC senior member Stephen Requa provides this update on the ongoing Sirhan Sirhan case.

August 2014 Update on the defense of Sirhan Sirhan by Attorney William Pepper

Of the assassinations of the 1960s that of Robert Kennedy — with its use of Sirhan Sirhan as the designated patsy — is the most clear-cut and perfectly evidenced of all in its extreme crimes: in the pre-planned corruption of the Los Angeles Police Department, in the use of high level CIA figures placed into the LA Police to lead and cover-up the assassination and to frame Sirhan Sirhan, in the corruption of the California Attorney General’s Office, in the corruption of the court and lawyers involved, now clear methodology to corrupt Sirhan’s lawyer, and in a full spectrum of very well-evidenced “support” crimes to match all those categories. It is also now with new evidence — and with witnesses being broadcast nation-wide — by far the most readily to be proven of all the assassinations as a conspiracy. In fact, it has been so proven now as a conspiracy many times over, that if there were only an honest California Attorney General and Magistrate Judge to respond, the verdict against Sirhan Sirhan would be reversed. But there is not.
          But in demonstrating all this in the recent new courtroom actions of Dr. William Pepper in his representation of Sirhan Sirhan, the benefit of Pepper’s actions has been to make startlingly clear: demonstrating the continuing vast degree of corruption by the California Attorney General and on the bench which display a continuing scope of mendacity in current courtroom charades almost the equal of the original 1968 trial and its aftermath. The tortures of reason on the bench of the Magistrate Judge have been well responded to and clarified by Dr. Pepper.  All those wishing to see the courtroom filings displaying this abject state of on-going total corruption of the legal system from 1968 to the present day may simply click on the fillings and read for themselves:
         What we may now say, after arriving at an understanding of the Jane Stanford murder timeline of 1905-1913 — with the fraudulent enactment of the Federal Reserve Bank as resulting from murder, fraud, election-rigging, and massive bribery — is that the phenomenal degree and scope of the most abject criminality in the RFK/Sirhan case (from 1968 to the present; see links below) can be explained only by the presence of unlimited bribery on all involved as is only possible to arise with the use and presence of essentially unlimited amounts of Federal Reserve Bank counterfeit money: i.e. Federal Reserve Notes. Only their presence to a massive degree can explain the idiocies and blatant crimes to be seen — both in the behaviour of the 1968 authorities and in those of today. This is a simple explanation for which there is no apparent alternative.
          In summary, the achievement of Pepper’s current RFK/Sirhan case so far is that it makes a full disclosure and demonstration of the total corruption within the judiciary continuously from 1968 to the present in this case.  

And, I maintain that this total corruption is without any possible remedy until the universal criminal solvent of Federal Reserve Bank Notes are abolished. Our omnipresent criminals with their limitless crimes will not disappear until their omnipresent mana from heaven (or rather from hell) first disappears: the mana of the Devil’s Henchmen being Federal Reserve Notes. They must be eliminated.
         One resolve for all those familiar with the 1960s assassinations, with 911, or with the 1905-1913 timeline of murder, election-rigging and bribery done to enact the Federal Reserve Bank is now to convene a Constitutional Convention with an overriding agenda to eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank, a private bank run by our most major criminals.
Some of the RFK/Sirhan Facts:
          First and foremost, in the RFK case, Sirhan Sirhan could not possibly, by the laws of physics, have fired any of the shots that struck Robert Kennedy. All the shots that did strike him were fired from point-blank range from behind and below him — all within powder-burn range of the Senator’s head. Sirhan was a hypnotically programmed patsy to fire random shots from the front and some distance away to serve as a distraction for the real assassin to fire from immediately behind and below the Senator. This was made clear by the autopsy at the time, which was suppressed at the trial, and with egregious and unsuccessful ipso facto efforts to corrupt the coroner and destroy evidence (see links below).
Witness of second gunman:
Re: CNN: Nina Rhodes-Hughes, an eye witness to the Robert F. Kennedy assassination (located by Pepper) at the Ambassador Hotel in 1968, makes bombshell claims in a CNN interview, stating that convicted murderer Sirhan Sirhan didn't act alone."What has to come out is that there was another shooter to my right," Rhodes-Hughes, who was feet away from RFK in a hotel service pantry during the crime, told CNN. "The truth has got to be told. No more cover-ups." CNN Interview of Nina Rhodes Hughes (CNN Coverage plus interview Nina Rhodes Hughes))
LAPD Destruction of Evidence / Crimes to Supress Autopsy CIA Interview Suppression of Witness to Polka Dot Dress Girl (CIA hypno-programing handler of Sirhan)  

Polka Dot Dress Girl / LAPD Records Falsifications / Devastating CIA/LAPD corruption of Polka Dot Dress Girl Witness Interview (at end) Polka Dot Dress Girl was CIA handler of Sirhan respecting his hypno-programming
None of the assassinations will yield their necessary resolutions until the abolition of the Federal Reserve Bank concurrent with the Call for and Convening of a Constitutional Convention. 

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