Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I did not realize until Dr. Eli Marty Schotz said it today that today is the anniversary of JFK's historic speech at American University in which he announced his intention to end the Cold War. It is most fitting that we heed Marty's advice and listen to that speech today of all days. So, I am just going to post his statement which includes a link to the speech: 

Dear Ralph,

The great strength of Jim Douglass's book JFK and THE UNSPEAKABLE: WHY HE DIED and WHY IT MATTERS is that rather than focusing primarily on JFK 's assassination, it focuses on what JFK was about, and why that led to his death.  The genius of  Douglass is that  in a way, which is accessible to the public and without in any way diverging from historical truth, Douglass fashion's President Kennedy's story as a gospel tale, in which JFK is resurrected in the reader , and the reader is left with the responsibility of carrying on the cause for which JFK died.  Given that today is the 52nd  Anniversary of President Kennedy's American University Speech, I suggest that  it is worth watching that speech today, pondering its wisdom and thinking about how each of us may carry on President Kennedy's efforts against war and toward reconciliation.   

As an aside, after the speech was given it was disseminated so widely throughout the Soviet Union that virtually every Soviet citizen knew of it, while here our public was and remains largely unaware.   Could anything be more tragic?


Marty Schotz

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