Saturday, June 13, 2015

God, you are rotten, Backes. You are truly vermin.  

What you said is that this photo was the Newseum photo:

Then I pointed out that you were wrong, that this was the Newseum photo. 

Then, I pointed out that the first shirt was indeed Warren Commission Exhibit 150. Here it is again, as presented by John McAdams. Scroll to C.E. 150 and click on it.

And now you expect to get off on a technicality because it was colorized?  A colorized version of CE 150 is still CE 150. That's what it is. It isn't anything else. It certainly was not "made for the Newseum exhibition of Lee Harvey Oswald's shirt" as you claimed. And it was published by the Warren Commission, except in black and white. So, you could have said that it wasn't published in color by the Warren Commission, but you can't say that it wasn't published at all. A black and white photo and colorized version of it are the same photo. The colorized version is simply a modified form of it. 

Then, Backes puts up this shirt from NARA. 

We are supposed to believe that these are all the same shirt?

So, in 1964, the shirt looked neat and pressed, but then by the 1990s or whenever that NARA exhibit was, they ran it through the wash cycle and failed to iron it, so it's all wrinkled and ruffled. ON CE 150, we see two buttons, although for some reason they are not aligned, where the upper button is far from the edge and the lower button is close to edge. It seems strange considering that the shirt looks even.  Then, on the right, we're only seeing one button, which means that either it lost a button, or they deliberately covered it up. And on both those shirts, they deliberately secured the button loop around the button that was hidden under the right collar, which is not only something that Oswald never did, but which would only rarely be done under any circumstances. Then, fast forward to 2013, and the shirt is all pressed and neat again, and lo and behold, not just pressed but apparently starched. It really looks stiff. It's back to having 2 buttons again, although I have it cropped. The collar, in particular, looks stiff as a board. It looks hard. Just compare it to the NARA collar. That obviously didn't happen by itself. So, why did they do that? Who gave them the right to tamper with the shirt? On the right is how it looked when Oswald wore it. How come they couldn't show it like that? And I mean originally and later. And as hard as the Newseum shirt looks, is there any reason to think it ever folded over the way Oswald's shirt did? Oswald's shirt was soft. That's why it folded over the way it did. 

This is all just more lying but with photographs. They know how important Oswald's shirt is, and it's because we can see it in the doorway.

And that is what they are trying to hide, with the help of bloodied people like Joseph Backes. 

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