Friday, June 5, 2015

Sandy McCroskey 

Jun 4 (3 hours ago)

On 6/4/15 5:23 PM, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> I get it. People don't want to talk about this, and it's rather like
> taking the 5th. Absurd, isn't it, that Oswald just presumed he would have
> the whole 6th floor to himself? What kind of assumption was that to make?
Yep, he wouldn't have known until the last minute whether he would be able
to pull it off. If not, he sneaks his rifle out the way he sneaked it in,
and no one is the wiser.

Since we know beyond any reasonable doubt that Oswald killed Kennedy, this
merely makes it even more improbable that he was acting at the behest of
anyone else, and for the sake of any larger cause.
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Ralph Cinque:

Sandy, first of all, you are surmising way too much. And now, you're doing  exactly what Judyth Baker does, which is back-writing. 

You say Oswald could sneak the rifle out the same way he snuck it in? But, how did he sneak it in? Isn't it odd that he was supposedly carrying a bag with a rifle, and a very unusual bag at that, and nobody noticed it?

If someone had seen him carrying that, they would have noticed it, and not only would they have noticed it, but they likely would have asked him about it, "What the fuck is that, Oswald?" 

But, the second thing you said makes NO sense at all because Oswald could never know whether he could "pull it off."  Someone could have burst in on him at any time. He would have had to retrieve the rifle from wherever he hid it, assemble it, apparently using a dime as a screwdriver since no screwdriver was found, apply the ammunition clip, make sure the scope was adjusted properly, rearrange the boxes to set up the Sniper's Nest, and decide how to conduct the shooting, whether to shoot at Kennedy on Houston St. or in the intersection, or wait until he was on Elm. Even if it started out being all-clear, someone could have burst in on him at any time. He had no basis whatsoever to feel safely alone up there on the 6th floor at any time. 

But, I couldn't agree more that Oswald could not have been acting at the behest of anyone else because nobody would choose Oswald to be their assassin, him not really being one or even a marksman of note. He practically failed his last Marine shooting exam in 1959, and the only shooting he admitted to doing after that was to go hunting in Russia with a shotgun. The kind of shooting that was involved from the 6th floor he had NEVER done at any time in his life. So, why would the Mafia or the CIA or anyone else choose him to do this sniping? So apparently, we are in agreement about the idiocy of the HSCA. But, what you're saying?  Gotta tell you, pal: you're living in a glass house. So, don't be throwing any stones.  

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