Saturday, June 6, 2015

The point is not that LBJ called a meeting to revamp JFK's Vietnam policy, and it is not that the newspaper reported that LBJ called such a meeting. It is that they put it on the front page and made it the headline story the Sunday morning after the Friday afternoon on which Kennedy was slaughtered. 

That should have occurred elsewhere in the newspaper- not the front page and not as the lead article. That's the point. 

This was a morning newspaper, so the only edition they had about Kennedy prior to this was the Saturday paper. So, they were ready to move on with LBJ revamping Kennedy's policies the very next day, as if you can't mourn forever? How cold and insensitive is that?

And, it only proves what I have been saying all along, Backes, that you don't care the least bit about Kennedy. Of course, you don't care about Oswald, but you've never pretended to care about him. You don't even like him. But, you don't care about Kennedy either. You can't recognize the ice-cold heartlessness of this newspaper editor because you share his heartlessness. He didn't give a shit about Kennedy, and neither do you. 

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