Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Warren Commission tried to cover up the fact that the elevators were turned off

by Ralph C. Cinque

Read this testimony of Officer Marrion Baker because it exposes the dirty dealings of Belin and the WC. 

Mr. BAKER - As I entered this building, there was, it seems to me like there was outside doors and then there is a little lobby.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - And then there are some inner doors and another door you have to go through, a swinging door type.
As I entered this lobby there were people going in as I entered. And I asked, I just spoke out and asked where the stairs or elevator was, and this man, Mr. Truly, spoke up and says, it seems to me like he says, "I am a building manager. Follow me, officer, and I will show you." So we immediately went out through the second set of doors, and we ran into the swinging door.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Now, during the course of running into the swinging door, did you bump into the back of Mr. Truly?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir; I did.
Mr. BELIN - Then what happened?
Mr. BAKER - We finally backed up and got through that little swinging door there and we kind of all ran, not real fast but, you know, a good trot, to the back of the Building, I was following him.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Then what did you do?
Mr. BAKER - We went to the northwest corner, we was kind of on the, I would say, the southeast corner of the Building there where we entered it, and we went across it to the northwest corner which is in the rear, back there.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - And he was trying to get that service elevator down there.
Mr. BELIN - All right. What did you see Mr. Truly do?
Mr. BAKER - He ran over there and pushed the button to get it down.
Mr. BELIN - Did the elevator come down after he pushed the button?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir; it didn't.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did he do?
Mr. BAKER - He hollered for it, said, "Bring that elevator down here."
Mr. BELIN - How many times did he holler, to the best of your recollection?
Mr. BAKER - It seemed like he did it twice.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Then what did he do?
Mr. BAKER - I said let's take the stairs.
Mr. BELIN - All right. Then what did you do?
Mr. BAKER - He said, "Okay" and so he immediately turned around, which the stairs is just to the, would be to the, well, the west of this elevator.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - And we went up them.
Mr. BELIN - You went up the stairs then?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.

So, Truly pushed the button, and the elevator didn't come down? That's because it was turned off. Then, he "hollered" for it?  He yelled, "Bring that elevator down here."??? You bring the elevator down by hitting the button.  If it was operational, that's all you have to do.  So, what is being implied here? That someone was deliberately holding up the elevator? Who? Why? According to Truly, the elevators were both stuck on the 5th floor, so let's look at that. 

Baker, reportedly, reached the steps 10 seconds after the last shot. Then, he and Truly rushed up the steps and rushed to the back of the building to the elevators. So, how much seconds are we talking about here? Most of the employees were still outside. So, to whom was Truly hollering at on the 5th floor to "bring the elevator down"??? It could only have been James Jarman, Harold Norman, and Bonnie Ray Williams because they were by themselves on the 5th floor, and nobody else was there. But, they weren't at the elevators; they were at the south windows facing Elm, which was far away.  And, they didn't use the elevator to come down from the 5th floor; they took the stairs. So, who was Truly hollering at? Apparently, nobody.  

How long have you been riding elevators? Your whole life, right? How many times have you had to yell at someone to bring the elevator down? 

You can't tell me that that was standard operating procedure at the Texas School Book Depository. That you couldn't just hit the button to operate the elevator, that you had to yell at someone to send it down. 

The elevators were turned off. Repeat: the reality was that the elevators were turned off during the assassination. 

Now, let's look at how Truly's questioning with Joseph Ball went:

Mr. BALL. Mr. Truly, when you came into the building with Officer Baker you tried to look up the elevator shaft, didn't you?
Mr. TRULY. Yes; I sure did.
Mr. BALL. And where did you see the elevators?
Mr. TRULY. On the fifth floor--both of them on the same floor.
Mr. BALL. They were both up on the fifth floor?
Mr. TRULY. Yes.
Mr. BALL. You are sure of that?
Mr. TRULY. I am sure, because their bottoms were level.
Mr. BALL. When you went up to the floor, was there an elevator on any of the floors?
Mr. TRULY. When I reached the fifth floor, the east elevator was there, but west one was not.
Mr. BALL. Do you know where it was?
Mr. TRULY. No; I don't. I didn't look, I just remember it wasn't upstairs, so it was down below me somewhere.
Mr. BALL. You took the east elevator?
Mr. TRULY. I took the east elevator to the seventh floor. 

First, why did Ball phrase the question like that? Why did he lead the witness? Why didn't he just ask him, "when you came into the building with Officer Baker, what did you do?" In saying what he did, about looking up the elevator shaft, he was revealing that he was going by prior statements made by Truly. 

And notice that there is no mention here of any "hollering." In fact, there is no mention here that they wound up taking the stairs, which they did. Ball said that "when you went up to the floor..." but, what he meant was that when they went up 5 flights of stairs because they couldn't get the elevator to work, they reached the 5th floor, and there, they were able to get the elevator to work.

That whole line of questioning by Ball was very cryptic and incomplete. Here is how it went with Belin and Ford:

Mr. BELIN. Now, you got to the elevator, and what did you do then?
Mr. TRULY. I looked up. This is two elevators in the same well. This elevator over here...
Mr. BELIN. You are pointing to the west one?
Mr. TRULY. I am pointing to the west one. This elevator was on the fifth floor. Also, the east elevator-- as far as I can tell--both of them were on the fifth floor at that time. This elevator will come down if the gates are down, and you push a button.
Mr. FORD. Which elevator is that?
Mr. TRULY. The west one. But the east one will not come down unless you get on it and bring it down. You cannot call it if the gates are down.
Mr. FORD. That is the east elevator?
Mr. TRULY. The east elevator? There is a button and a little bell here. I pressed
Mr. BELIN. You might put a "B" on Exhibit 362 by the elevator for "button."
Mr. TRULY. That is right on this surface. There is a little button. I pressed the button and the elevator didn't move. I called upstairs , "Turn loose the elevator."
Mr. BELIN. When you say call up, in what kind of a voice did you call?
Mr. TRULY. Real loud. I suppose in an excited voice. But loud enough that anyone could have heard me if they had not been over stacking or making a little noise. But I rang the bell and pushed this button.
Mr. BELIN. What did you call?
Mr. TRULY. I said, "Turn loose the elevator." Those boys understand that language.
Mr. BELIN. What does that mean?
Mr. TRULY. That means if they have the gates up, they go pull the gates down, and when you press the button, you can pull it down.
Mr. BELIN. And how many times did you yell that?
Mr. TRULY. Two times.
Mr. BELIN. After you had first pushed the button?
Mr. TRULY. That is right. I had pressed the button twice I believe, and called up for the elevator twice.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do? First of all, did the elevator come down?
Mr. TRULY. It did not.
Mr. BELIN. All right. Then what did you do?
Mr. TRULY. I went up on a run up the stairway.

Over stacking? This was during the time of the motorcade, so why would Truly think that anyone was up on the 5th floor working at that time? And he seemed to be making a distinction between how the east elevator worked and how the west elevator worked. But, all of this was just dancing around the fact that the elevators were turned off; deliberately turned off. 

Now, go back to what was said with Ball. They couldn't get the elevator to work from the ground floor, and both elevators were on the 5th floor. So, they went up 5 flights to the 5th floor. But, reportedly, when they got to the 5th floor, the west elevator was gone. It was no longer there. Doesn't that mean that it came back on while Truly and Baker were climbing the stairs? If the west elevator was on the 5th floor when they left, which is what Truly said, and if it wasn't there when they arrived at the 5th floor, which he also said, then it moved. So, it had to be working. The west elevator must have come back on; become operational after Truly and Baker left for the stairs, and it wasn't because someone closed the gate. There was no one on the 5th floor except Jarman, Norman, and Williams, and they didn't do anything with the elevators. They were over by the south windows and from there, they took the stairs down, and they didn't fiddle with the elevators.  
This questioning of Truly and Baker by Belin and Ball was designed with one purpose in mind: to hide the fact that the elevators were turned off during the assassination. And when they hid the fact that the elevators were turned off during the assassination, they effectively killed President Kennedy all over again.

Here's the way the Math works: If the elevators were turned off during the assassination it means, by necessity, that Oswald was framed and innocent. You can't tell me that he turned the elevators off. Nobody has ever suggested that. And that means that somebody else did- someone who was involved in killing Kennedy.

The conspirators needed to have the elevators turned off because that is how they secured privacy for their operators on the 6th floor. And, it was a very effective way to get that privacy because nobody was going to go up 6 flights of stairs. So, they definitely did it; they turned the elevators off. But, it was never acknowledged in the Warren Report. That was a corruption of justice. It was the obstruction of justice. 

The turning off of the elevators was like a smoking gun. It was like the conspirators leaving their fingerprints on the gun. And the hiding of the fact that the elevators were turned off- the evasive way they finessed their way around it during the questioning- was bloodied. Belin and Ball were both bloodied, and I mean soaked in the blood of John F. Kennedy.  

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