Monday, June 8, 2015

No. Shelley and Lovelady left immediately because they reported seeing Truly and Baker climbing the steps AFTER they left. Also, they were part of the throng that rushed into the railway area after the shooting, and it was chaotic, with "hollering and crying" as Lovelady put it. But, that was only for the first minute. So, they were part of that first chaotic minute. And then they returned to the building, they went around to the back (which made sense anyway because it was closer) and then they were inside until it was time to depart for City Hall with the police. 

That means two things: It means that Lovelady was definitely not out front milling around after the police checkpoint was set up at the front entrance, hence, he could not have been Gorilla Man. And as we know, he was vastly different from Gorilla Man anatomically anyway.

And it also means that Shelley could not have been out front when Oswald left for home at 12:34. And Shelley, himself, said that he did not see Oswald at that time. Therefore, "out with Bill Shelley in front" could only have been a reference to DURING the motorcade and not afterwards.

And regarding former President Carter, I am certainly not going to argue with Bpete about US military actions during his administration. Again, I shall provide the link to the interview in which Carter defended himself against the insane John McCain.
Carter delivered a greater zinger to what McCain said: "That's a complement coming from a warmonger."

"During my 4 years, we never dropped a bomb; we never fired a missile; we never shot a bullet." Jimmy Carter

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