Monday, June 8, 2015

This is a great interview of former President Jimmy Carter in which he pointed out that during his 4 years in office, the United States took no military actions, that there was no loss of life, neither loss of American lives nor any other lives. 

That makes him a good President in my eyes; it makes him a great President. And, he is a distinguished in another way: he was the first President post-Kennedy who did not have blood on his hands in Kennedy's death. LBJ obviously did; just read Phil Nelson's book, LBJ: Mastermind.

Then there was Nixon, and this site details his role in the JFK assassination:

Ask yourself this: why would Nixon resort to common criminality in his race against George McGovern when he was beating him handily? It's because he was trying to find out what the Democrats had on his involvement in the JFK assassination, or as he referred to it euphemistically as "that Bay of Pigs thing."

Then there was Gerald Ford, who moved the location of the back shot from the back to the neck. 

The hole in JFK's jacket was located 5.3 inches below the collar.

Here it is demonstrated on another man:

Does that look like the back of the neck to you? 

And then there was Jimmy Carter who certainly was not involved in the JFK assassination or the coverup. But, unfortunately, what tarnishes the record of Jimmy Carter is that he was President during the HSCA, and he could have used his power and influence to force that committee in an honest direction. Then, in 1979, he could have opened a criminal investigation based on their assertion that there was a Grassy Knoll shooter who missed.  I suspect he was given stern warnings not to do it. 

Then after Carter, it went to Reagan, and he wasn't in government in 1963, so I don't presume that he was involved. However, in 1967, he was the Governor of California, and he refused to honor all Jim Garrison's extradition requests. It's no secret that Reagan was an ultra-rightwinger who hated Kennedy. 

And Reagan was followed by George HW Bush, which took us back full circle to a direct participant in the JFK assassination. 

So, do I bemoan the fact that Jimmy Carter failed to pick up the gauntlet and act on behalf of John Kennedy in 1979? Yes, I do. But, do I still appreciate the fact that he didn't kill anybody with the US Military through his 4 years in office? Yes, I do.   

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