Friday, June 5, 2015

This is really sick and disturbing, and the American people should have seen right through it immediately. This was a Sunday morning paper. It was the day Lee Harvey Oswald was killed, but there's no mention of it. It was probably written on Saturday. 

So, the very day after the assassination, Johnson, Lodge, McNamara, Rusk, and Bundy turned their attention to beefing up the Vietnam War. JOHNSON ACTS QUICKLY IN VIET NAM FLAREUP, it says.    

And although you can't read it here, what it says is that on Saturday it was announced that there would be a high level meeting on Sunday with the people I mentioned concerning the Vietnam War and what to do about it. And obviously, they were going to talk about how to escalate it, not end it. 

So, Kennedy dies on Friday afternoon, and on Saturday, Johnson and his Cabinet officers get started doing the very thing that they couldn't get Kennedy to do in office, and it was all supposedly made possible by Lee Harvey Oswald. What's wrong with that picture? 

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