Tuesday, June 9, 2015

This diagram of the 2nd floor demonstrates what Gil Jesus meant.

You see the stairwell in the upper left corner. That's where Baker was. As he looked through the glass in the door to the vestibule, he saw someone entering the vestibule from the other side. I put a "vest." for vestibule, and you notice the opening there. That's the door that Oswald was going through to enter the vestibule to get to the lunch room. I also put an arrow. 

This means two things. It means that Oswald took the southeast stairs that were caddy-corner. And note that when Belin and Dulles questioned Marrion Baker, they spoke as if there was no doubt that Oswald had used the same stairs that Baker did. They didn't even acknowledge the existence of the other stairs. 

And note that if that were true, it's possible that Oswald would still have been on the stairs as Truly and Baker entered the stairwell from the first floor, and they would have heard him. Imagine the racket he would have made.

But, the other thing that this establishes is that Oswald definitely didn't have a Coke when Baker saw him, and that's because Oswald hadn't even reached the lunch room yet; he was just entering the vestibule. So, he was going to the lunch room, not coming from it. So, there is no way he could have had a Coke in his hand, even theoretically. 

But, the worst thing is that it's very obvious from looking at this diagram that Oswald came from the southeast corner from having used the southeast stairwell in front. But, that automatically removes any possibility that he came down from the 6th floor because the front stairs didn't go as high as the 6th floor. In the southeast corner of the 6th floor there was no stairwell. It's where the Sniper's nest was. So, if Oswald was on the 6th floor, he would have had to use the rear stairs, that is the stairs in the northwest corner, because those were the only stairs there were.  Look at the map:

Can you see that there is no stairwell on the lower right? There is only the stairwell on the upper left, which are in the rear, the same stairwell that Truly and Baker used. So, coming down from the 6th floor, Oswald would have had to take that stairwell, but the description of what Baker saw reveals that Oswald must have used the southeast stairwell coming up from the first floor. Oswald didn't come down from the 6th floor; it was physically impossible. He came up from the doorway. 

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