Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Now, I'll continue to summarize the case that David Talbot makes against Allen Dulles in The Devil's Chessboard for the murder of John F. Kennedy. 

The next thing is: Dulles' association with the Paines. Michael and Ruth Paine.  

Dulles had a long-term mistress by the name of Mary Bancroft. When I say long-term, I mean that not only did Dulles' wife Clover know about Mary, she got to know Mary. In fact, she got to know Mary so well that they became good friends. Lifelong friends. And they even referred to Dulles by the same affectionate nickname: The Shark

Talbot even included a photo of them together, lakeside.

 So, as you would probably surmise just from looking, that's the wife, Clover, on the left, and the mistress, Mary, on the right. 

Well, Mary Bancroft had a friend she was even closer to than Clover Dulles, and that was Ruth Paine. Not THE Ruth Paine, but rather, the mother-in-law of Ruth Paine. That's right; Ruth Paine's mother-in-law was also named Ruth Paine. In other words, Michael Paine's mother was named Ruth Paine. Actually, her full name was Ruth Forbes Paine. Her maiden name was Forbes, just like this guy:

 What a small world it is; ain't it the truth? 

Did you know that that blue-blooded American family, the Forbes, actually own their own island off Cape Cod? Yes, it's true. It's called Naushon Island. I tell you, it looks mighty nice. 

It looks like a real paradise to me, so good for them. And the Forbes, being outgoing people, you might say socialites, often invited friends to enjoy the charming ambiance of the island with them. And do you know who were frequent guests of theirs? The Dulles. And I don't mean Allen and Clover. I mean Allen and Mary. And, when these visits started, Michael Paine was just a boy. 

So, was that just a coincidence? That Marina Oswald's closest friend, patron, and housemate happened to be the daughter-in-law of a woman who had strong close personal ties to Allen Dulles?

Have I mentioned that for breakfast I chew up coincidences and spit them out?  

Now, let's remember how the story goes: the story has it that Ruth Paine met the Oswalds when she was introduced to them by George DeMohrenschildt at one of those White Russian parties in Dallas. And Ruth took an immediate liking to Marina. 

A liking? Did I say that? Oh, it was a whole lot more than a liking. Ruth Paine wound up piling her kids into her famous station wagon, driving all the way from Dallas to New Orleans. They're in different states, you know, and Texas is an awfully big one. And she picked up pregnant Marina and her daughter and drove them back to Dallas to live with her, at her expense. Ruth didn't work. She was a stay-at-home mother and homemaker, which is very respectable work, and far be it from me to fault it. But, the fact is: it doesn't bring in any cash. She, presumably, was living off her estranged husband, Michael Paine. 

So, there she was, a separated woman with no income except for alimony and child support, who decided to adopt another family. And that included paying Marina's medical expenses for the birth. And births being births, you never know how they are going to go. If there were problems, complications, issues, etc., the medical expenses for Marina and the baby would have fallen on Ruth too and could have been enormous and never-ending.  But, Ruth went for it anyway.  After all, she was a Quaker. 

But, I wonder how she broke the news to Michael.

"Listen, Michael, I know we're separated now, and I am completely dependent on you for income, but I wanted you to know that I have decided to adopt another family- at your expense. They'll be living with me. I'll be feeding them, clothing them, providing all their needs, including all the medical expenses for the upcoming birth of their second child. Let's hope it goes well, eh? But, the good news is that the husband, he'll just be in and out. He'll come and go. He won't be there every night. It will mostly be just the weekends. Interesting guy too. Communist. Big communist."

Now, I'm going to ask you to use your imagination. Imagine that Ralph Kramden gets home from work after driving his bus all day, and Alice breaks that news to him. How would he react? 

Well, that's about the way any and every red-blooded American male would react if he heard such a thing from his estranged wife.

It has been suggested that Ruth Paine had a lesbian attraction to Marina, and that's what caused her to be so generous. Talbot mentioned it, although he didn't say that he believed it. I don't claim to know anything about it, but even if it were true, it would still have been over the top for Ruth Paine to have done what she did.  

So, was this just Quaker generosity or were the Paines involved in setting up Lee Harvey Oswald? Hold that thought, as we continue. 

OK, so Ruth is down in New Aw-lins, and she is helping Marina pack the wagon for the move back to Dallas. And among the items that they supposedly bring back is a rifle that's wrapped up in a colorful blanket. Except, Ruth didn't see it. It's just a station wagon, and a thing like that would be visually distinctive, but she didn't see it. And then they got back to Irving, and they had to unload the station wagon, and the blanket with the rifle supposedly was put in the garage. But, not by Ruth, and Ruth didn't see it. I believe Michael Paine claimed that he's the one who brought it in. He said he thought it was tent poles, camping equipment of the Oswalds. They were campers. Big campers. Couldn't get enough camping. Born to camp.  

And after that, the blanketed rifle was supposedly stored in that small garage, and Michael Paine ran into it every time he went in there. He'd pick it up and move it because it would be in his way when he was trying to do something. And then he started thinking that maybe it was a folding shovel, like the one remembered from his Army days.  But wait. Don't they have rifles in the Army? So, why didn't it occur to him, just as a possibility, that it was, say, a rifle? And considering all the guessing he did about what was wrapped in that blanket, why didn't he take a peek? Or why didn't he ask someone? 

Now, Ruth is the one who lived there. Day in/day out. She must have gone into that garage every day. Multiple times a day. She, for some reason, NEVER saw the blanket with the rifle. Ever. She simply missed it. Always. She never, ever honed-in on it. 

Him: every time. Her: never. 

And then, on the night before the assassination, Oswald was in her garage transferring the rifle from the blanket to this bag that he made out of shipping paper and tape, and he just left the blanket in a heap on the floor of the garage. But, when Ruth went out there alone, after Oswald had gone to bed with Marina, the only thing she noticed that was different was that the light was already on. This was at 9 PM, and she went there to paint some blocks for her children. Hmm. That's weird. I would think that painting blocks is something that the kids would do. I mean, why would she do it? They sell blocks that are already painted. So, did she buy plain blocks and then decide that she would paint them herself because she wanted her kids to have pretty blocks?  I gotta tell you: I have never heard of anybody doing that. But, I digress.

So, she's out there in the garage that evening, and she sees nothing askew; nothing astray; nothing out of place or out of order. The light was on, but that's it. Otherwise, it was the same old place.  

Except that it wasn't because the very next afternoon when the police got there, they went into the garage, and in a heap on the floor, in plain sight, was the blanket. And someone picked up the blanket, and at that instant and not before, Marina realized that there was no rifle in it. That's the story.  

But, don't we have to assume that the person who left the blanket that way was Lee Harvey Oswald? And according to the Warren Commission, he did his work in the garage between 8 and 9 PM. So, why didn't Ruth Paine see the blanket in a heap on the floor the night before when she was in there painting the blocks?

Now, let's talk about Ruth Paine getting Oswald the job at the Book Depository. The story goes she and Marina were enjoying afternoon tea with the kindly neighbor ladies of Irving. And one of these neighbor ladies was Linnie Mae Randle, who became famous later in connection with the bag. But, on this occasion, she told them about her brother being hired on at the Depository, and that they may still be hiring, and that Oswald should look into it. 

Now, this is where Talbot made a mistake, and to my mind, it is a pretty major one. He said that Ruth Paine gave Oswald the tip about the job. That's not what she did. She acted on it before she even spoke to Oswald. Ruth Paine, on her own volition, called the Book Depository, spoke to Roy Truly about Oswald, and made an appointment for him to be interviewed. She did all that without even knowing whether Oswald was remotely interested in the job. 

Here is her testimony from the Clay Shaw trial:

Q: I see. Now, to whom did you speak at the Texas School Book Depository when you called there?
A: Mr. Roy Truly.
Q: At the time that you made this call to Mr. Roy Truly at the Texas School Book Depository, did Lee Harvey Oswald have any way of knowing that you were making this call?
A: No, none.
Q: Did he ever ask you to make such a call?
A: No. 

Now, who does that? It doesn't even look good to do it. Wouldn't most employers think, "Why isn't this young man contacting me himself?" "Why is a friend of his wife on the phone with me about it?

Look, it's one thing say if it was a job for a minor. Maybe a parent would call about a job for their teenage son. But, Oswald wasn't a teenager. He was an adult, a father, and a husband. How could it be appropriate for his wife's girlfriend to be inquiring about a job for him? 

Tell the truth: don't you think that in real life, the friend would call the young man; tell him about the job; give him the information; encourage him to do it; and then wish him the best? 

But, Ruth Paine did it herself. She made the call. So, Ruth Paine, the daughter-in-law of a close enduring friend of Allen Dulles, called for Oswald about a job at a place that was owned by David Byrd, a close enduring friend of Lyndon Johnson and a guy who benefited greatly financially from Kenndy's death. LBJ saw to it that a lot of military contracts for the Vietnam War went to Byrd's company. Byrd made millions. 

Why would Ruth Paine do that? For her to call like that meant that she had to recommend Oswald. It meant she had to speak highly of him. Right? But, she didn't think highly of him.  Have you read some of the statements she made about him? 

So, even if she wanted to help him get the job for Marina's sake, wouldn't she just tell him about it and let him sell himself? Why would she want to vouch for him when she thought he was a piece of crap? 

David Talbot: "Neither of the Paines was fond of Oswald. To Ruth, he was an opaque, self-involved, and ill-tempered man who could be cruel to Marina. He was just part of the equation that she had to put up with in order to have Marina in her life. 'I would have been happy had he never come out, indeed happier had he not come out on the weekends,' should testify."

And yet, she made this "there's this nice young man..." speech for him? 

I've said it before and I'll say it again that when I think of participants in the JFK assassination who are still living and who could still be prosecuted, I think of George HW Bush and Michael and Ruth Paine. And I haven't changed my mind about any of them. 

Here is an image of Ruth Forbes Paine, friend and frequent hostess to Allen Dulles. 

Now, if you are going to try to play the coincidence card with me about her, I have a piece of advice for you: don't. 



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