Friday, December 30, 2016

Posted by Todd Fisher, brother of Carrie Fisher and son of Debbie Reynolds. In case there is someone who does not recognize the expression, it's a lyric from Singin' in the Rain, which starred Debbie Reynolds, hence her outfit.  
Today, I received this letter from OIC Chairman Larry Rivera, which summarizes his JFK research activities in 2016. It was a busy and productive year for him. 

Hi Ralph.  It seemed that this year we were finding out new things almost on a weekly basis.  Even though the Oswald overlays were important last year (we first published this at the end of October 2015), the Lovelady overlays were even more compelling because even if we remove Lee from consideration as Doorman, these overlays identified conclusively that Black Hole Man is Lovelady, therefore he cannot have been Doorman.  

Next, I would have to mention the chicanery of Kenneth Brooten and Robert Groden in their trip to Aurora Co. November 13, 1976 to "identify" Lovelady, but where they failed to show Lovelady the Altgens6 and were only intent on converting him into the individual in the plaid shirt seen in front of the TSBD in the John Martin film.  In the process, according to handwriting expert Kim Johnsen, falsifying BNL's signature on the back of the Martin photo, (taken from a frame of the film which was grossly underexposed), AND failing to follow up on Lovelady's statement that Lee "could have" been in the doorway with him. All of this born out of the HSCA recording posted by Denis Morrisette on youtube, the existence of which I mention in chapter 7 of my book, which once obtained, was processed digitally to enhance its quality, allowing Gary and I to transcribe it a few months ago.  I do consider this to be the biggest find of the year.  The recording also conclusively refutes the premises that Lovelady re-entered the TSBD via the front entrance, AND that he took members of the DPD upstairs to search the building.  Both of these proven to be completely  false, and stated so by Lovelady himself.    
From there, the creation of the Harper Fragment 3D model using Blender, where we can now export the 3D file to be readily 3D printed to create a 3D model in plastic, pvc, etc (or other similar material) for pathologists and MD's to study, and which confirms David Mantik's thesis of occipital-parietal origin. 

RC: Note that these are screen-grabs from the MP4 that Larry sent me of the rotating 3D model of the Harper fragment. I did this because I am unable to post a MP4 here. 

Little did the FBI know back then, that what seemed like simple, innocuous 2D photographs of the Harper Fragment, would one day be used to accurately create this 3D model.  Similarly, the 3D model of Dealey Plaza currently being worked on by my team using Blender, will prove to be invaluable in re-creating the events of November 22, 1963.  Attached are preliminary images rendered by the program.  These scenes have the sun correctly set at its position at 12:30PM, showing the directions of the shadows.  My second book will be entirely on applying Blender to the photographic evidence to create 3D models of everything related to the assassination.

And finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention the JFK Conference last month where for the first time ever, we were allowed to present the forensic overlay work on Doorman and Black Hole Man, to positively identify these individuals as Lee Oswald and Billy Lovelady, respectively.

Happy New Year.

Today I will be isolating the entrance way and placing human models generated by the 3D program makehuman,
Note that officials announced right away that the guy who looked so much like Oswald in the Altgens photo was really another TSBD employee, Billy Lovelady, who just happened to look uncannily like Oswald- so uncannily it was eerie. And, they added the stories about Lovelady's kids mistaking Oswald for their dad on television, and Lovelady's wife seeing Oswald from behind at the TSBD and thinking he was her husband. The fact that Oswald was taller and 40 pounds lighter than Lovelady didn't phase her? She still thought he was her husband, whom she slept with nightly? 

But, they did all that lip-wagging without publishing any images of Lovelady. Presumably, they could have gotten images of him from him, or they easily could have taken images of him. And, don't forget they had the film captures of Lovelady from 11/22. For instance, they could have published this:

And everyone would have seen how uncannily he looked like this:

Oh yeah, I can see that. Or, they could have published this:

Yeah, that's the spitting image of Oswald. Is it not?

And, when they finally did take photos of Lovelady, which was in late February 1964, they didn't publish those either. They didn't even announce that they took them. The only reason the world found out about those FBI photos is because of one man: Harold Weisberg. He's the one who dug them out of the document pile after the Warren Report was published. The FBI had taken them and quietly sent them to the Warren Commission, accompanied by a letter from J. Edgar Hoover.  But, they immediately got lost in the document pile- until Howard Weisberg dug them up.

Despite their best effort to concoct lookalike photos, it was no match to Oswald either.

Notice that they did slap the top of Lovelady's head on Doorman, but everything else about Doorman looks like  Oswald because he was Oswald, and Oswald and Lovelady looked nothing alike. What this is is a naked display of chicanery and lies, bloodied chicanery and lies. The cover-up of Oswald in the doorway went on for 50 ruthless years, unabated. But now, it is gone; forever gone; dead and gone; and it is never coming back. Larry Rivera has seen to that. 

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The year 2016 is about to end, and I would like to reflect on our accomplishments this past year. It has been a great year for JFK truth with a lot of progress made, including important new finds. Here is a short list of what I consider the most significant developments.

1) Larry Rivera's overlays of Oswald and Doorman.

Of course, Oswald being in the doorway was well proven, in spades, before Larry did this. But, what this provides is an incomparable visual display that cinches the reality of it like nothing that has come before. And now, it is field-tested, and we know that it really works. People respond to this. This puts people over the top and into our camp. It is simply inconceivable that Oswald and Lovelady looked this much alike. They were not related. They weren't even the same body type. And the stories they told- such as Lovelady's kids seeing Oswald on tv and thinking it was their dad- are a crock-o'-shit. Never happened. Couldn't have. It's pure horse shit. But, this gif by Larry Rivera is our fail-safe. This settles it once and for all, that it was Oswald in the doorway, and as the Doorway Man, which was buried under 53 years of lies. including the ridiculous Prayer Man lie. And by the way, if you're wondering who Prayer Man really was, the answer is: nobody. The whole thing is fake. But, moving on:

2) the discovery that the Moorman photo was taken before the fatal head shot. Note that the discovery that the Moorman photo was really taken by Babushka Lady counts as a 2015 discovery. But, it was in 2016 that the common notion that the Moorman photo was taken in conjunction with Zapruder frame 315 (which was 2 frames after the fatal head shot) was blasted to smithereens.  The basis of this discovery is that in the Moorman photo, the motorcycles hadn't advanced far enough in relation to the limo. We can still see most all of the left rear wheel of the limo. Whereas, at the time of the fatal head shot, the motorcycles obscured that rear wheel. Look at it in the Muchmore film. In this frame, you can see the mist from the explosion on the right side of JFK's head, so you know the fatal head shot has occurred. Look at where the motorcycles are. Notice that you can't see the rear wheel, at least not very much of it.

Now, look at the Moorman photo, and you'll see that the bikes are still farther back, leaving most of the wheel exposed.  

The reason the bikes gained on the limo is because the limo driver Will Greer braked, and since the officers couldn't react in kind immediately, they gained on the limo. Also, notice that in the Muchmore frame that Jack and Jackie are closer together than in Moorman. That's another way we know that the Moorman photo was taken prior to the fatal head shot. The importance this has is monumental. We know that JFK's head got blown out in back and Officer Chaney reported being showered (literally soaked) with debris from Kennedy's brain. Why, therefore, does JFK's head look intact in back in the Moorman photo? It's not because they altered it. (Oh, they altered the photo and massively, but they didn't alter that.) It's because the fatal head shot hadn't happened yet. Officialdom has been falsely using the Moorman photo as evidence that there was no blowout wound in back on Kennedy. But, that is not true. There definitely was such a wound, and it came a split-second after the Moorman photo was taken. We know that now.

3) then there was the discovery that Jack Ruby did NOT shoot Oswald, that he was as innocent of the Oswald shooting as Oswald was of the Kennedy shooting. I made this discovery by myself this year, but it turned out that someone else, Maksim Irkutsk from Russia, discovered it in 2013 and put up an excellent Youtube video about it accordingly. 

Believe me, I was delighted to find out that Maxsim Irkutsk had beaten me to the punch on this by 3 years. I jumped for joy. And realize what it's based on: the fact that the little visual data we have on the Garage Shooter conflicts with Jack Ruby. 

And the very fact that there is so little visual data (that is, no view of the shooter's face) demonstrates a concerted effort to keep him out of view precisely because he was not Jack Ruby. And then, the fact that Dallas Police herded him out of the garage without stopping to cuff him first shows you that they were just trying to cover him up. There was no fighting going on. They were just doing their penguin thing. 

4) and then came the discovery that the real garage shooter was James Bookhout. And, it was completely separate. For many months, all I knew was that it wasn't Ruby, and I had no idea who it was. But, I started thinking about Bookhout before I had any image of him and precisely because I had no image of him. How could a guy who was following Oswald around constantly for two days not be imaged? And then, I checked Bookhout's testimony and found out that he reported being right there at the final interview but then chose not to go down and watch the jail transfer? You had reporters from all over the world there. You had half the Dallas PD there, it seems- when you look at the crowd of them backed up in the open double doors of the police building. And yet, Bookhout wasn't interested? He said he just hung around Fritz' office, but why? It wasn't his office. And he said nothing about making any communications to the FBI during that time or doing anything remotely constructive. And my first thought was that if he was there as the Garage Shooter, then of course he would say that he wasn't there at all. 

And then, I went looking for images of Bookhout, in earnest, eventually finding the yearbooks. But, I also did a search online looking for discussions about James Bookhout. I wanted to find out what others were saying about him. And I found on the Education Forum, a discussion of him, like he was a Mystery Man, with others noting the lack of any images of him. And that's when I found a post by someone who said that if you want to see an image of James Bookhout, he's in the hallway talking to Oswald in this clip. And the clip was the one that Denis Morrissette put up entitled "Oswald escorted" which Denis has since taken down, and of course I know the reason why he took it down. We all know whose side Denis is on. But, in it, you can see this short guy to whom Oswald was talking in the hallway, where Oswald asked Bookhout what he had against something.

And then, seeing him from behind led to the connection to the Garage Shooter.

Then, the one who recognized that Bookhout was the Ruby impostor in the retrospective by Fred Rhinestein was the man we refer to as the Wizard.

It was also the Wizard who correctly identified Bookhout in the ROTC photo as this guy:

And, it was also the Wizard who found this image of Bookhout behind Oswald's stretcher as he was rolled out of the jail office:

Then there was the discovery of the photographic and film alterations relating to the Oswald shooting, including Beers and Jackson. Credit for the discovery of the phony hand of Oswald slapped to his chest in the Jackson photo goes to OIC member Craig Roberts.

That is not a hand; it is two hands clasped together. And that humungous thumb, which is a right thumb, could not possibly be Oswald's. 

The whole bit about Leavelle having his hand in Oswald's pants is another piece of fakery. 

That is a fake forearm that you're seeing there. And then they had to go back and make it happen in all the films as well.

What you're seeing there is anatomically impossible. That can't be Leavelle's arm. It would have had to be fractured.

This is by no measure a complete or comprehensive list of our 2016 accomplishments, and I am going to ask Larry Rivera to provide me a list of his own because I know he was involved in a lot of things. But, already it can be seen that 2016 was a very productive year in which the cause of JFK truth was advanced a lot. We have every reason to feel satisfied and encouraged, and we do. And I told you what I am going to do early in 2017, meaning in January. You didn't forget, did you? You didn't think I was kidding, did you? Well, if you thought that, you don't know me. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Michael Hardin was the 23 year old ambulance driver for Oswald, and he was interviewed by WC attorney Leon Hubert. This is from it: 

Mr. HARDIN. And we got him in the car, or ambulance, they drove the armored truck on out of the basement on the Commerce Street side, and we went out behind the truck. Of course, the truck was there when we left, and then went east on Commerce to the expressway, and north on the expressway to Elm and then west on Elm to Harwood and north on Harwood to Harry Hines, and north on Hines to Parkland. 

Mr. HUBERT. And what happened when you got to Parkland?

Now, I am going to indulge in some script-writing where I imagine how Mr. Hubert might have responded differently if he was more like me: 

Mr. HARDIN. And we got him in the car, or ambulance, they drove the armored truck on out of the basement on the Commerce Street side, and we went out behind the truck. Of course, the truck was there when we left, and then went east on Commerce to the expressway, and north on the expressway to Elm and then west on Elm to Harwood and north on Harwood to Harry Hines, and north on Hines to Parkland. 

Mr. HUBERT. Wait a second. Weren't you on Harwood? Dallas City Hall is on Harwood The street address is Harwood. I know that. Do you want me look it up for you? I can give you the exact address.

Mr. HARDIN. That isn't necessary.

Mr. HUBERT. Hush; it's no trouble at all. Wait. Hold on. OK, here it is: 106 S. Harwood. So, you were there on Harwood, and all you had to do was go north on Harwood. So, why didn't you do that? You had a dying man in the car.

Mr. HARDIN: Well, Commerce is a one-way street, and....

Mr. HUBERT. And YOU are an ambulance driver who is legally sanctioned to disregard traffic laws in an emergency, are you not?

Mr. HARDIN. Yes.

Mr. HUBERT: And this was an emergency, was it not? 

Mr. HARDIN. Yes.

Mr. HUBERT: Well?

Mr. HARDIN. Well, one of the police officers directed me to go the way I did.

Mr. HUBERT: Which police officer?

Mr. HARDIN. I don't remember which one. I couldn't tell you that. 

Mr. HUBERT: Well, we are definitely going to look into that and find out, but let's stay on this. Did you, or did you not realize that Oswald was in dire straits and that every second counted?

Mr. HARDIN. Well, I really didn't know how badly he was hurt. There was no visible blood. 

Mr. HUBERT. But, you knew where he was shot, right? In the upper abdomen through the rib cage from left to right? You are aware that there are many vital organs and major blood vessels in that area?

Mr. HARDIN. Yes, but.. 

Mr. HUBERT. And you knew he was unconscious. That's a bad sign, isn't it? 

Mr. HARDIN. Again, I was just doing what I was told. 

Mr. HUBERT: What if it was your brother bleeding and dying in that ambulance? Would you have obeyed a policeman then if he told you to take a long cut to the hospital? 

Mr. HARDIN: I would rather not answer that.

Mr. HUBERT. I bet you wouldn't. Which ramp did you use to enter?

Mr. HARDIN: The Main Street ramp. 

Mr. HUBERT: Why didn't you use it to go out? It was north, and you were going north. Right?

Mr. HARDIN: Well, we were facing the other way. 

Mr. HUBERT: Would it have been so hard to back up and turn around?

Mr. HARDIN: Not particularly. 

Mr. HUBERT: Then why didn't you do it?

Mr. HARDIN: Well, they were moving the armored truck out of the way on Commerce Street, and it seemed like they wanted us to go out that way.

Mr. HUBERT: And then you turned left on Commerce and went quite a distance in a direction that was 120 degrees away from the direction that you needed to go. Isn't that true, Mr. Hardin?

Mr. HARDIN: I guess.

Mr. HUBERT: You guess? Are you being sarcastic, Mr. Hardin? A man died here. 

Mr. HARDIN: I know. I mean no; I'm not being sarcastic. Honestly, I just did what the police told me to do. It's pretty hard to say no to the police.

silent pause

Mr. HUBERT: Alright, now tell me everything that happened on that ride, everything that was said and done, whether Oswald reacted in any way, and whether he showed any signs of responsiveness. Now start.  
The ambulance entered the Garage from the Main Street entrance. Here is Huffaker looking towards Main Street at the approaching ambulance.

Then, everyone scurries out of the way as the ambulance approaches from Main.

So, without having to turn around, driver stops adjacent to the jail office right where the shooting occurred. They hasten in with a stretcher to get Oswald. Soon after they came out with Oswald strewn out and Bookhout in toe. 

After loading Oswald, they had to wait for the armored truck to be removed from the Commerce street entrance, which they were going to use to exit. But, why didn't they go back out the same way they came in, via Main? For one thing, it was the general direction they wanted to go, north, rather than south. For two, they had the cubby hole, that recess within the building, to use to back up and turn around. It would not have been hard at all. Alternatively, they could have just put the ambulance in reverse and backed out. Someone could have helped by stopping traffic as they emerged onto Main. They had cops there, right? So, it should have been out to Main, left on Main to Harwood, which was just yards away, then a right turn to go north on Harwood which went right into Harry Hines which would have taken them right to the Hospital. Parkland Hospital is on Harry Hines: 5200 Harry Hines. I dare say that was the most direct, straight as an arrow way to get to Parkland. So why instead did they wait for the armored truck to be moved and then exit Commerce, and turn left and go all the way down to the Expressway? It makes no sense now, and it made no sense then. And the thing is: they used the Main entrance coming in. So, why didn't they use it going out?  

Joseph Backes: "This is a modern map. This is the route one could take now in 2016.  This map does not show the normal traffic routes of 1963. There are more roads and different traffic patterns now compared to back then." 

Ralph Cinque: Actually, Mapquest offered several routes to get to Parkland Hospital from the old City Hall Building in Dallas. And one of them was to to through Dealey Plaza and take the Stemmons Freeway, which was the route that JFK was taken. But, they listed this surface street route as the first one, and that's why I went with it. And the streets are all still there. Backes helped himself to the assumption that today's route would be different. However, the route seen there above is essentially the same as what Oswald's ambulance driver took, except that instead of doing the sensible thing of exiting out the Main Street ramp and turning left to Harwood to go north, he exited the Commerce Street ramp and turned left, going out of his way, making a ridiculous circular loop, that just wasted time. 

I guess the driver never heard the old adage that the shortest distance between any two points is a straight line. And when you don't have a straight line, then you look for the closest thing to a straight line. But, it is just plain freaky that he went the way that he did. It would be freaky to go that way at any time, let alone during an emergency when a human life is hanging by a thread. There is no excuse for it. Absolutely none. 
How the shills will try to pound square pegs into round holes in order to deny the obvious fact that Oswald was innocent and that he gave a solid alibi for his whereabouts during the shooting.

Robin Unger quotes, of all people, James Bookhout, who was Oswald's Garage Shooter, hardly a reliable witness, but, what Bookhout said doesn't even make sense. Bookhout claimed that Oswald claimed to have eaten lunch AFTER the assassination, which is ridiculous. 

It is ridiculous for several reasons. First, Oswald said he ate lunch in the employee's lunch room at a time that James Jarman and Harold Norman had come in to get their lunches, which was early in the lunch break. And why wouldn't it be? What do people do when they break for lunch? They go have lunch. Why would Oswald have waited? He hadn't eaten all day. We know that from Ruth Paine, who said he left her house without eating. Marina said the same thing about Oswald: no breakfast, just coffee, but he took a lunch. Plus, he knew that the motorcade was coming- expected at 12:25. So, why wouldn't he eat before it? He knew he had to go back to work after it. So, if he was going to eat lunch, it was going to be before. Plus, who would even feel like eating right after a man got his brain blown out on the street? But, there is an even bigger problem: no time. The shooting was at 12:30. Oswald reached his room on Beckley by 1:00. That means that all the things he did after the shots: going to the 2nd floor lunch room, milling around, walking down Elm to where he got the bus, being on the stalled bus, getting off the bus and waiting to get the transfer ticket, walking to the depot where he got the cab, dealing with the cab driver and the woman who competed with him for the cab, taking the cab ride, driving past his room and then walking back 5 blocks, all that had to happen in that 30 minutes, and there is just no time to squeeze eating a lunch into that. It doesn't even work as far as getting him on Cecil McWatters' bus at 12:42. There was no time for him to eat lunch and do that at that time. 

So, there is NO CHANCE that Bookhout was telling the truth about that. What Bookhout was doing was lying. And it conflicted with another liar, Will Fritz, who said that Oswald claimed to be eating with other unnamed employees during the motorcade, which was also a lie. Oswald was a loner, and he didn't eat with anybody- not even on a good day. He just said that he saw Jarman and Norman while he was eating, and it was early in the lunch break.

So, Fritz and Bookhout were both liars, but as often happens with liars, they told different lies.

Then, the other problem with Bookhout's lie is that Bill Shelley wasn't out front when Oswald left for home. You see, Shelley left with Lovelady right away for the railway yard. They were part of the throng of people who did that, and you can see them doing it in the Malcolm Couch film.

  So, that is Shelley on the left and Lovelady on the right. That was just seconds after the shooting. And when they finished looking around, they returned to the building via the back door. And when they went inside, they were immediately assigned to guard the freight elevator by Roy Truly. So, there is no NO CHANCE that Shelley was milling around in front when Oswald departed for home. 

So, Bookhout definitely lied when he said all that. When Oswald said he was "Out with Bill Shelley in front" he was DEFINITELY talking about during the shooting. After all: what mattered? What mattered was his alibi for the shooting. He didn't need an alibi for when he left the building for the day to go home. Nobody doubts that he did that. No crime was committed in conjunction with that. He didn't need an alibi witness to prove that he did it. This was his first interrogation, and the most crucial thing for him to say, in pleading innocent, was where he was and what he was doing during the time the crime went down. So, undoubtedly, he was asked where he was during the motorcade, but even if he wasn't asked, he would have said it. "Me? Kill Kennedy? Are you out of your mind? I couldn't have done it. I was out with Bill Shelley in front. We were standing right there in the doorway. Feel free to ask him." 

That may be how it went down. But, the most important thing for him to say, and the most important thing for Fritz to write down was his alibi. And we all know what that was since we can see him there standing in the doorway during the shooting.

James Bookhout was the Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald, and that means he can't be relied upon for anything factual. Every word out of his mouth is suspect. It doesn't mean that he didn't say some things that were true- when he could. But, this definitely was not one of his true statements. "Out with Bill Shelley in front" was Oswald's alibi for the shooting of President John F. Kennedy. About that, there is no doubt. 
The Wizard sent me this colorized version of the cropped Jackson photo.

He has got those two guys circled because they're not even looking in the direction of the action. And remember: the shot has already gone off. They heard it. Did it not shock the hell out of them? Apparently not. They don't seem the least bit startled. And the same is true of the white-capped cop, whom we know was Police Inspector J H Sawyer. He's heard the shot too. But, not only is he not reacting to it, he isn't even looking at Oswald. He seems to be looking through him at the camera. 

So, supposedly, he has heard a gun blast, and he's heard Oswald scream, and there is commotion from it all going on right in front of him, and he's not even looking at it. He is not looking at Oswald. He is not looking at any of them. He seems to be posing for the camera, which was some distance away. So, he appears to be looking, through those guys and all the action, at the camera. His focus is BEYOND them. Can't you see that? 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Robin Unger put up this gif from the Muchmore film, and it is very revealing.

You can see when the fatal head shot hits, and you can see where it hit him. That's because there is an explosive mist from the impact of the frangible bullet. I did a screen-save of it. 

So, you see that whitish mist on the right side of Kennedy's head. It's not at the back of his head. It's not on the left side of his head. It's right side of his head. That's where he was hit. Now, if that corresponds to Z-313, then the Moorman photo has to take place 2 frames later at Z-315. But, that's impossible because it's already too late for the Moorman photo. The Moorman photo has already occurred. 

The way we know that is the relative position of the two motorcycle cops viz-a-viz the limo. What happened is that the driver, Will Greer, braked. But, the motorcycle cops didn't know he was going to brake, and they didn't expect him to brake. So, they didn't start braking until after he braked. And that meant that for a short a while, they gained on the limo. And that's what you're seeing there. Notice how far they are compared to the rear wheel of the limo. Now look at the Moorman photo.

So above, you are seeing practically all of the rear wheel. There is very little obscuring, and that's because the bikes are farther back. But, look again at the Muchmore frame:

We hardly see the rear wheel of the limo at all. Compare again to the Moorman photo:

The two motorcycle cops are pretty much in the same position relative to each other. They put that big thumbprint there to hide B.J. Martin who was on the outside. If you look close, you can see his leg and torso. You don't see his dark uniform because they lightened it. But, the point is that the Moorman photo was taken a couple frames BEFORE the fatal head shot, not a couple frames after, as is commonly believed.  

Here's the Muchmore frame that corresponds to Moorman. Notice that the position of the motorcycle wheel viz-a-viz the limo wheel corresponds to what we see in the Moorman photo.

Now that's about right. 

Anyway, I still maintain, very adamantly, that the Moorman photo, being an angular photo shot on a diagonal had to be taken by Babushka Lady. She was the only one in a position to take it. Mary Moorman did NOT shoot an angular photo. She said many, many times that she shot the Kennedys when they were directly adjacent to her. She did not wait for them to pass her and shoot them from behind.

Furthermore, in none of the films do we ever see Mary turn to her left. She is turned to her right as the limo was approaching coming down the hill. But, we never see her turned to her left even after it passed her. 

Most people use Z-300 to represent when Mary took her picture. 

Without endorsing that outright, let's say she did take it then. She's certainly holding her camera like she's taking a picture. But, that's Z-300, so why, in another breath, do people say that she didn't take it until Z-315 or Z-316? Why wouldn't she take it then? Why would she wait only to shoot the back of their heads? In fact, it may have been a few frames before that, in the Z-290s. That's really when I think she took her picture. But, we have never seen her picture. And, I am sure they destroyed it. They haven't been guarding it night and day for 53 years. Who would do that?

But, what we need to wonder is; what did Mary's actual photo show such that they found it imperative to destroy it and replace it? I can only speculate about that, but I won't do it now.   
A ruptured aorta kills very quickly. I knew a couple who had a son rather late in life, and he was their pride and joy. And, he was a good kid- except when he went drinking. 

They had plenty of money, and they indulged him. They bought him one of those Plymouth Vipers- a fast car, borne for speed. 

Late one night, after a lot of heavy drinking, he was driving home to his parents' house, and they lived in the country. And he apparently was speeding some. So, a cop tried to pull him over. 

Now, this was a small town where everyone knew everyone. Trying to lose this cop by racing away was ridiculous and futile, but the alcohol on his brain said otherwise. So, the kid floored it.  And I mean he took it over 100 mph.

Now, what the cop should have done is just let the kid go. He knew where he lived. He knew his parents. He didn't have to turn it into a high-speed chase. But, he did.

And just as the kid was reaching his house, which was his parent's house, he crashed into a telephone pole. And the impact ruptured his aorta. It happened right in front of his parents' house. They heard the crash. They looked outside, and they saw his car. His father went running out. And he was a rather old guy. I bet he hadn't run in years. And when he got to the car, he saw that his son was dead. He was already stark white from the blood loss. And he was dead. He ruptured his aorta. The boy was dead by the time the father got to the car.

The parents never recovered. The mother had to go on heavy-duty sedatives. Eventually, the father sued the policeman and the department for which he worked for the wrongful death of his son.

The above is a true story. But, I'll confess that I included it in my e-novel, My Stretch of Texas Ground, which is about a small town sheriff who has to contend with Islamic terrorists. It wasn't central to the story, only peripheral. Still, it's in there. 

But, my point is that, in real life, this young guy died in less than a minute from a ruptured aorta. So, if Oswald was shot in that garage at 11:20, sustaining the trauma that was later described by Dr. Tom Shires, which included ruptured aorta and vena cava and superior mesenteric artery, and damage to spleen, pancreas, liver, and right kidney, how could he possibly have still been living, his heart beating, at 11:35? 


"The Jack Ruby who killed Oswald was just 5' 8-1/2" tall."

John Armstrong

That is from John Armstrong's bio page of Jack Ruby, and it is probably the most detailed bio of Jack Ruby that you are going to find on the web.  

But, let's hone in on this fact that Ruby was 5'8 1/2". That was just a half inch shorter than Oswald, but it was a lot taller than the Garage Shooter.

That guy is short. He is no 5'8 1/2". We estimate his height to be 5'6". And the same applies to him here:

And here:

The Garage Shooter was 5'6". James Bookhout was 5'6". And Jack Ruby was 5'8 1/2". 

The Garage Shooter was short, I tell you.