Monday, January 2, 2017

Photographer Who Snapped
Infamous Oswald Photo
Said 'No Blood At Crime Scene'
By Greg Szymanski
Bob Jackson, former photographer for the Dallas Tiimes Herald who
captured on film Ruby shooting Oswald, reveals for the first time on
American radio he didn't see a speck of blood on the body or at the
crime scene.
For those JFK assassination researchers and truth seekers, a startling
revelation was made on American radio Thursday, as Bob Jackson,
former Dallas Times Herald photographer, made public for the first
time that there was "not a speck of blood anywhere" on the body or at
the crime scene when Jack Ruby supposedly shot and killed Lee
Harvey Oswald.
Jackson was on assignment for the Dallas paper on the morning of
Nov. 24, 1963, when Oswald was being transferred from his holding
cell and snapped the picture "seen around the world," a Pulitzer Prize
winning photo of Oswald grimacing with Jack Ruby fully visible with
pistol in hand, shooting Oswald.
After 43 years, Jackson told listeners of Greg Szymanski's radio show,
The Investigative Journal, he witnessed no blood on Oswald after the
shooting, as well as "not a speck of blood" at the crime scene leading all
the way to when Oswald was put in the ambulance.
"I sure did think it was strange not to see any blood whatsoever," said
Jackson, whose award-winning photo was later published first on the
Times Herald front page and then in the Saturday Evening Post.
"I stayed on the scene well after Oswald was taken away in the
ambulance and I never did see any blood, not one drop."
Jackson's startling revelation adds fuel to the fire of researchers who
claimed Oswald was never shot by Ruby, but later killed by CIA
operatives in the ambulance after Oswald was sedated against his will.
Jackson's testimony, never before released in the American media,
backs up other researchers who claim Oswald and Ruby faked the
shooting as a part of an undercover operation designed to eventually
eliminate Oswald's knowledge of the real JKF assassination team as
well as his part played as the government's patsy.
"Oswald probably was told to fake the shooting and then was double
crossed by Cia operatives who killed him in the ambulance in order to
eliminate any loose ends in the Kennedy assassination," said one
researcher who claims Oswald was used as a patsy.
On the Investigative Journal, Jackson was joined by researcher Brian
David Andersen, a long time JFK truth advocate, who said Jackson's
testimony gives further credibility to the discrepancy to the type and
angle of the wound reported in Oswald's autopsy and the angle of the
gunshot would captured in Jackson's photo taken as Ruby supposedly
fired the pistol into Oswald's chest.
"The bullet should have went straight through Oswald if you look at
Bob's photo, but later the attending physician said the angle of the
bullet was at an upward angle" said Andersen after he questioned
Jackson on the radio show, indicating the possibility that Oswald was
actually shot after he was placed in the ambulance. "The absence of
blood also indicated this to be a real possibility."
Regarding the Kennedy autopsy, Andersen was also privy to inside
information, showing the final doctor's report used by the Warren
Commission was rigged.
"When growing up in Irving, Texas (suburb of Dallas) my neighbor
was Dr. Charles Baxter M.D., the Parkland Hospital coordinating
surgeon on John Kennedy," said Andersen. "On November 23 1974,
while I was photographing a hand surgery being conducted by the
doctor, Baxter explicated and thoroughly detailed all of the events that
occurred related to him regarding the treatment of Kennedy that was
purposely excluded from the Warren Commission Report. The truth
is so more outlandish than any kind of fiction."
In the radio interview, Jackson added that he was also present in the
presidential motorcade ? seven cars behind the lead vehicle - the day
Kennedy was shot, hearing three distinct shots coming from the
direction of the book depository.
"I looked up after the shots and saw a rifle being pulled in from the
window but I couldn't make out who it was," said Jackson . "I also
remember seeing two police officers run right into the book depository
and remember thinking who ever fired the shots never had a chance of
getting out of the building without being caught or killed."
Regarding the Oswald photo seen by tens of millions of people,
Andersen set the scene as it took place in 1963.
"In the basement of the Dallas Police Department on November 24,
1963 were two photographers. Jack Beers pointed a twin-lens reflex
camera while working for the Dallas Morning News and took a
photograph of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald
"One sixteenth of second after Jack Beer pressed the button on his
camera, Bob Jackson with a 35mm camera and working for the Dallas
Times Herald, pressed the button on his camera.
"Beers immediately returned to the darkroom and processed his
photograph that was instantly sent out on the wire services around the
world. Everyone who witnessed Beer's photograph for the next two
hours stated he would win the Pulitzer Prize.
"HoweverBut...Also...and Hold On!
"The City Desk of the Dallas Times Herald ordered Bob Jackson to
remain in the basement of the Dallas Police Department for over an
hour and half therefore his film was not processed until two hours after
Oswald had been shot.
"After Jackson's picture was printed in the darkroom, Felix McNight,
managing editor of the Times Herald shouted and stomped his feet as
he tried to describe the fantastic photograph to the photo editor of Life
Magazine but to no availthe magazine was under a tight publishing
deadline and the Life editors believed they had the best photo therefore
Beer's photo was published in the most popular American publication
in 1963.
"Bob Jackson's photo was published on the front page of the Times
Herald and in the Saturday Evening Post. Bob Jackson's photo won
the Pulitzer Prize and numerous other awards and his photograph is an
icon of American history. Jack Beer's photo became an almost
forgotten footnote in American History by 1/16 of a second."

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