Monday, October 9, 2017

Another possibility we should consider is that Oswald was unconscious at this point but not shot.

I've pointed to the obvious photographic fraud of the impact area where supposedly Oswald's pale white hand was placed over the entrance area along with some kind of cloth, which did not happen. Look at it close-up.

The right hand is obviously fraudulent but that means the whole right arm is. Maybe his right arm was resting by his side. Look how they had to doctor the hand of Michael Hardin. His pinkie is obviously bogus. It couldn't do that. Try it yourself. 

 The middle and ring fingers look bogus too. That's art, and it must be where Oswald's right hand really was. 

But, why would they have to do all this? It must be because Oswald wasn't really shot yet. But, that doesn't mean that they were trusting him to play-act for the camera. He probably was really knocked out. So, after he was scurried inside after the fake garage shooting, did someone grab him from behind and press a clothe with chloroform to his mouth? Or did someone jab a hypodermic needle into his thigh? We NEVER see Oswald inside the jail office. It's not until he is rolled out of the jail office that we see him. 

In the WFAA footage, you see the cops hovering around Oswald's body on the floor. This was after Ruby was led by in his cat walk.

Then, there is a very obvious splice. And after that you hear the announcer Bill Lords say, "It is now 11:24 here in Dallas" and it really seems out of context in relation to the comments that came before. And it has to be bogus because it was just scant seconds before Oswald was rolled out. Do the Math. Oswald was reportedly shot at 11:21. So, 11:24 was just 3 minutes later. But, if you watch the KRLD footage, Oswald is shot at the 13 minute point, and it's after the 18 minute point that he is rolled out. That's 5 minutes. Check for yourself.

So, if Oswald was shot at 11:21, it means that he wasn't rolled out until 11:26. And actually, it may have been later than that if anything was cut out of the KRLD footage. I should check it for splices too. But, there is no way that it was 11:24 that Oswald was rolled out, and therefore that voice of Bill Lords saying that must be bogus too. 

And, why would that splice be there? And, why would there be no commentary at all, no recognition by Bill Lords, that Oswald is being rolled out? 

So, there is Leavelle stooped, supposedly because he is pushing Oswald's gurney. There is no commentary while this is happening. But once outside, Leavelle is not part of the drivetrain. 

That's Leavelle on the far left in his Easter suit, with his face blackened out, as the Wizard observed. But, if he was down at the gurney pushing before they came out the door, why isn't he still there?

So, none of this correlates. But, the point is that they made darn sure that we don't see Oswald in the jail office. We don't see him until this point, and his hand atop the area of the wound is an obvious fraud. So, this increases the likelihood that Oswald was not yet shot at this point.  

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